What are some cult sci-fi kinos like this?

What are some cult sci-fi kinos like this?

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Andromeda Strain
Søylent green

Omega Man

Have you seen The Man From Earth? Get past the $7k (if that) budget and the fact that everyone except for the MC can’t act and it’s actually a revelation. Oh and it’s not strictly sci-fi either but The Quiet Earth’s title reminded me of it

Watched this on a livestream with the Any Forums bros years ago when those kind of threads still existed was one of the funniest things ever

A Boy and His Dog

>gives away the ending in the poster

Have you seen Star Wars?

Silent Running

What's it about?


The Quiet Earth

The Man Who Fell to Earth

I thought that's what those vin diesel car movies were about. Coronas and family

Not a film but the documentary Chariots of the Gods makes you feel like earth is an alien planet.

pretty sure they ripped of the star wars

No. Star wars ripped off the Vin Diesel car movies

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ah well that makes more sense

thanks never heard about that crazy shit, dling it now

I watched this movie like 3 times and I still don't understand it. Especially the ending. What the fuck happened?

huh? its very clearly explained all life was in the same instant moved to a different dimension, in the end the MC also does