Redditor Cries As He Puts Down His Cat "Daughter'

What is causing men & women in the USA to not want to have children and what would it take to reverse the trend? How does a declining birth rate affect countries politically in the face of coming automation? Are there more pro's than con's to a declining and more manageable birth rate in regards to resources, conflict, etc?

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Go do something useful with your time.


>CAESAR once, seeing some wealthy strangers at Rome, carrying up and down with them in their arms and bosoms young puppy-dogs and monkeys, embracing and making much of them, took occasion not unnaturally to ask whether the women in their country were not used to bear children; by that prince-like reprimand gravely reflecting upon persons who spend and lavish upon brute beasts that affection and kindness which nature has implanted in us to be bestowed on those of our own kind. 2. With like reason may we blame those who misuse that love of inquiry and observation which nature has implanted in our souls, by expending it on objects unworthy of the attention either of their eyes or their ears, while they disregard such as are excellent in themselves, and would do them good.
>The mere outward sense, being passive in responding to the impression of the objects that come in its way and strike upon it, perhaps cannot help entertaining and taking notice of everything that addresses it, be it what it will, useful or unuseful; 3. but, in the exercise of his mental perception, every man, if he chooses, has a natural power to turn himself upon all occasions, and to change and shift with the greatest ease to what he shall himself judge desirable. So that it becomes a man's duty to pursue and make after the best and choicest of everything, that he may not only employ his contemplation, but may also be improved by it. For as that colour is more suitable to the eye whose freshness and pleasantness stimulates and strengthens the sight, so a man ought to apply his intellectual perception to such objects as, with the sense of delight, are apt to call it forth, and allure it to its own proper good and advantage.

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lol that you already know OP doesn't have kids himself

1. this is not television and or film
2. why have they took a picture of this? I thought pictures are to look back on?

Why is the cat being put down?

>What is causing men in the USA to not have children
They spend all their time posting on 4channel and looking at porn.

Fuck cats.

gave the new Thor movie 2 stars.

Not my problem

Stop lumping in the entire USA. It's just y'all wh*teoids.

A few generations ago men had on average 1000 ng/dl of testosterone. On average, men now have 200-700, so even the manliest chad today is a full 30% gayer than your average man born before 1965.

This isn't pseudoscience either, it's measurable. On average we are empirically and observably 50% gayer than our grandfathers were and 90% gayer than theirs were.

wow great syntax no wonder the roman empire went to shit

it wasn't written for low iq amerimutts who have on average an 8th grade reading level

Every person I know IRL that regularly talks about birth rates and bitches about “muh fur babies” is a fat slob that has no kids and no relationship prospects on the horizon

OP didn’t post television, he didn’t post film, and he DEFINITELY doesn’t have children

>television and film

I hate soilent bois as much as the next guy, but OP you are inexcusably cruel for making fun of this man when his cat died. Yeah its cringe he farmed upvotes using this, but its even more cringe of you to post here making fun of him. You somehow managed to be worse than a redditor. Consider killing yourself.


Toxofags cope. All outdoor cats are shot on sight.

but Romans loved their dogs and built lavish tombs for them?

>Caesar: why are you treating monkeys like kids
>some faggot: all the shit you posted

this is what he was complaining about, late republican decadence

>Every person I know IRL that regularly talks about birth rates and bitches about “muh fur babies” is a fat slob that has no kids and no relationship prospects on the horizon

The human population is expected to balloon to 13 billion in just a couple of years. No one should be having kids. Covid should have been real. India alone needs a massive plague to curb their skyrocketing population

cats are just dumb animals. who gives a shit. grow up

Tell me how I know your a nigger incapable of bonding with animals.

Me and my girl discuss having kids. We're scared of having kids in a shitty world where they have to watch their social institutions crumble, and their lives be much worse than their grandparents, and even ours. It's tough, life has never been easy but it feels like a lot of the struggles we would be placing on a kid is a lot to bear.

t. grew up with no pets

Technically true. But despite this, you are so low of a being that your life is worth less than that cat. Kill yourself.

this really is a braindead post

Domestication and animal empathy is what helped us thrive as a species user. Acting like it's meaningless nothing is literally degenerate behaviour.

There have even been many such cases where the bonds that one shares with their animals is considered more important than that even of family members.

i grew up on a farm, its the reason i dont treat cats like children like mentally ill urbanoids do

That's fine, you can die off and my kids will inherit the world

> Industrialised agriculture =\= I grew up on a farm hyuk hyuk
Fucking backwoods peasant.

dogshit transliteration for minimal effort nitwits to get off on
>society is collapsing nigga cant even articulate for himself

I hope things go well for them, honestly. Climate crisis and decline of the western empire will be a lot to deal with.

redditors and 4chuds are similar. the difference 4cucks are more contrarian than reddiniggers

That's not true you faggot
No one is having kids, and the world population isn't 7 billion
Thanks for falling for the psyop

50 acres raising boutique cattle breeds, get fucked urbanoid nigger. you will own nothing

I can't afford kids and don't want to be on welfare.