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>America in real life vs. America in American history classes

Popeye solos both in a stomp

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you put two pictures of the same character?

Im so fucking tired of superpowers, aliens, and/or sci-fi in general

U srz bro? Superman is orders of magnitude stronger than Omniman, and it isn't even up for debate.

>Doctor Manhattan > Silver Surfer > Superman > Thor > Hulk > a gap > The Plutonian > Omniman > Homelander


majin buu turns them both into candy and eats them

Just watch anime.

ok w/e go be gay no one will miss you, faggot

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Omniman is like 2000 years old, he'd beat Superman just with skill.

MCU Thor would mop the floor with Superman, Supes has no resistance to magic damage

wtf makes silver surfer top tier? shouldnt iceman be up there too or something?

Comparing a character with 1 author vs one with hundreds is a stupid fucking idea. Give an exact superman rendition or not at all because one superman has to jump in order to fly and another can fly to the edge of the universe in a few minutes IIRC.
There is only 1 Omni-man
There is 100 superman so everyone would just cherrypick the strongest feat from each of those 100 superman and combine it. Which is screwattack levels of retarded

Both are too fast.

>But muh Goku's powerlevel was 50thousandquntillion in the Buu Saga.


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All these niggers don't know about Superman Prime

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Damn that's one wrinkly face.

wtf america has a moustache in real life?

nice selfie

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Have you read Invincible? Superman is way faster, way stronger, and way more durable than Omniman.

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