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Absolute Kino, but Any Forums will say it's shit.

great film, but normies will say it's shit.

I’m watching it tonight for the first time, I’m excited
I loved The Once And Future King, and I haven’t yet read (but I will) Le Morte d’Arthur and Idylls Of The King
Haven’t seen Disney’s Sword in the Stone
Love Monty Python And The Holy Grail, though obviously that’s a very different thing
I also plan on reading Howard Pyle’s King Arthur books first chance I get
I’m so excited for this movie desu

Have fun, I really mean it

But why on the poster God is lowercase and king is uppercase?

>t. newfag

The fuck did you just say about me you little fucker, ill have you know I'm a former seal and whatever, don't really remember how the pasta goes anymore.

Pure fucking kino. The symbolic transition of the culture from paganism to christianity all while praising (and trying to maintain) the merits of both is some of the best shit I've ever seen on a screen.

it's a stage play shot on film. not even joking, every scene is set up in a way that would perfectly fit on a stage and the acting just melodramatic enough to match. probably the best adaptation of the arthurian saga you will ever find.

They're not talking about God himself (at least not directly), they're talking about A god, so lowercase makes sense in this particular example. No idea why "king" is capitalized, though.


Because it says A god. Not God. And King is a capitalized title.

because there is more than one god
there are thousands of them

The movie would be great if not for the awful pacing - the scene where Arthur takes the sword out of the stone is laughably unexciting
>someone stole my brother's sword, I guess I'll just take the Exalibur
>Arthur you're a king
>I don't want to
All happens within like a minute. It gets much better once Mordred is born

And the forest sets look extremly cheap compared to all of the castles, plains, etc. Particularly the excalibur site camp.

makes sense, thanks user

We use Wagner. It scares the shit out of the slopes. My boys love it!

>the scene where Arthur takes the sword out of the stone is laughably unexciting
clearly you understand little about the myth. And you need musical ques to prompt you to excitement. You must also not know when to laugh without a laughtrack

It plays like a comedy scene

Nigger, Excalibur is certified Any Forums Hall of Fame Kino.

to be fair, Any Forums is 99% capeshit, Any Forumsbait and waifu faggotry.

It's amazing in many different ways. Pure kino of a quality that will probably never be produced again.

The secret to Excalibur's success is that it was filmed more like an opera. It's essentially a node and a wink to Wagner's Parsifal and the scenes which used instrumental works by Wagner are some of the most strikingly powerful moments in film.

The key takeaway here is that Richard Wagner left mankind an intense treasure trove of cerebral music which triggers complex emotions in the listener, especially in a melo-dramatic setting.

Wagner is also the secret to Apocalypse Now's success.