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Citizen Kane


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Citizen Cane and Vertigo are rated largely because of how pioneering they were and they have been surpassed and a lot of what made them amazing at the time is now cliched. They do not hold up as 'great' now. Just 'good'.

The Godfather and Seven Samurai have not been surpassed or even equalled, they are genuinely great. If you don't like those that says more about your taste than the films.

I love all of them, but Citizen Kane only because Touch of Evil is my favorite Wells movie and Orson preferred The Trial

American Psycho, Drive and all the other incelcore movies

All of these movies are great, besides Vertigo because I haven’t seen it

Ok, not particularly overrated because it's called one of the best, not the best.
>Citizen Kane
Progenitor of reddit cinema.
>Seven Samurai
>The Godfather
Action flick but responsible for influencing mafia's across the globe to dress like it was 1920 again and be even more violent.
My personal choice for most overrated movie has to be The Dark Knight. It's in everyone's top 100 list despite being self contradictory cape shit garbage made by a pretentious action director.

Pulp Fiction and Godfarter II FOR ME.

Can’t see any results.

Black Panther

i couldnt get into seven samurai at all

>uses action as an insult
Go back

where's Fight Club

Citizen Kane, Vertigo is one of Hitchcock's best movies next to Rope, and Godfather is the best of its kind

Nowhere in my post did I imply that retard.
What I did imply:
The Godfather is a action movie. Objectively correct.
Christopher Nolan is a director who's plot and creative decisions often fall apart in all his films because he comes up with absurdist plots to execute outlandish action sequences without thinking of the consequences they have on the story when you turn on your brain. Reddit believes he is a intelligent director making films stronger than they are, when in reality he is a juvenile action movie director, the Michael Bay for midwits who enjoy believing they are smarter than they aren't.

Try this again but with multiple selections available

The Dark Knight is a contender. It's an average movie outside of Heath Ledger's great performance, and the plot is silly and thus clashes weirdly with the serious and realistic tone. But its legions of hyper-devoted fans have made it be like one of the top 20 movies of all time or something on IMDB.
Many people have said that The Dark Knight is influenced by Michael Mann's Heat and I think that Heat is also overrated. Pacino's acting performance is bad and the plot is silly (why would master thieves let a guy they just met join their delicate, planned-down-to-the-second heist operation?).
I think that Goodfellas is also very overrated but to be fair, it's been a long time since I've seen it.

>the dark knigh
Seek death faggot

The Trial was extreme kino


I don't know why, but none of Hitchcock's films do anything for me. Even North by Northwest with the excellent Cary Grant did little to interest me. If it wasn't for him and Martin Landau, I would have fallen asleep during it.

The Godfather is definitely not an action film. The most action it has are shots of people, well being shot. There is one car explosion and it lasts all of five seconds. It's a crime drama. Through and through.