What did she mean by this?

what did she mean by this?

Attached: 131231.png (800x453, 545.6K)

Literally what did she mean by this

girls say stuff like that but then they wont have sex with you.

women say sex isnt a big deal but then get mad when im with my side girls. it either is or it isnt ladies

>when im with my side girls

Only 4 posts to turn this into a LARP thread, those are amateur numbers.

>guys are pigs all they want is sex
>omg I haven’t had sex all week I’m going insane

Or my favorite


>all women are the same person

what did user mean by this



This show should have a second season

A woman saying that to the average guy is like a rich person saying money isn't a big deal to a poor person.

women are whores

She was trying to manipulate the last man on earth into fucking her because he didn't want to because he was sad that he's the last man on earth and his gf died(or so he thought). She's a gaslighting criminal.

They aren't all the same person. They have 3 personality types.
>given up and resigned to being a mother or a catlady or disney adult

A woman saying sex isn't a big deal is like a billionaire saying money isn't a big deal.


That women are all the same.

funny you should say this as my "gf" is a crazy dyke resigned to being a mother
I hate my life

i mean eating food isn't a big deal but that doesn't mean that one would eat a dish they despise.

>women (my mom): try it! you'll like it!
>also women (NOT my mom): no I won't try sex with you


trying new foods doesn't have equivalent consequences though...most foods don't have a chance of giving you chronic diseases or an 18 year commitment to another human being.