What happened to this poor soul...

What happened to this poor soul? He was Nolan's boy and it seemed like he was gonna be the next Robin but for some reason he was ostracized and now he's making tabasco reviews on his youtube channel. He looks haggard.

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didn't he just play Uber CEO in some biopic thing
also I don't know, he was supposed to be the next big thing after Brick, and all the cool indie movies from mid 2000s

They cancelled him for Don Jon

I think he reached his peak when he fucked Johansson, fuck she was hots thenz.

Remember when he got an ice skate shoved into his face in Halloween H20

looking at his filmography, it was clear he was getting consistent quality work until Snowden. that mustve rubbed someone the wrong way and got him snubbed.

Always looked like a discount goose. Looper was kino though

He got political

He looked like a cool dude. It's just sad. And it looks like it has affected him a lot. Looks awful.

Now you're thinking like a conspiracy theorist!

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he literally met up with snowden in moscow. not a conspiracy to say the guy is controversial and hollywood blacklists for much less

why would hollywood blacklist bec of snowden, what do warcrimes and a spying government have to do with movie execs?

But isn't he part of the tribe?

Eric Forman refused to fuck him.

he tried forcing his website too hard (hitrecord)

Tabasco sucks.

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they literally blacklisted billy zane for similar shit. controversial movies that are politically motivated funded by people outside of normal hollywood influence

He was so sexy in his teens/20s

he has HIV and fucked a bunch of guys without telling them he had it

he got too focused on his shitty website after his brother died

Yeah, he was a very delicious twink.

I agree with you (actually I never gave it much thought before your post since I never cared too much about JGL but your theory is certainly possible)
not a "do or say whatever you want" card unless installed as controlled opposition

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Meanwhile, Coomerbatch played Julian Assange and is getting all the major roles in Hollywood

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His directorial debut critically and commercially bombed and he hasn't directed since.

Isn't Julien Assange more dangerous than Snowden? Where is the guy btw? Guantanamo?

The green chili tobasco is fine.

A Robin that goes from Boy Wonder to Nightwing would be the perfect character to hang a "lived-in DC Universe" around.

>Hot Ones

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The guy is still in prison unjustly and they make a movie about him? How can we expect it to be fair?