I thought this was a joke...? It's real?

I thought this was a joke...? It's real?

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>i wish i had complete global saturation
>i wish i had complete global saturationnn

Just bring back Eric Pirius already. He was the best live action Wesker.

This version gets infected by the N virus

Isn't umbrella supposed to be some kind of extension of nazi eugenics or am I misremembering

Lance Reddixk is great and deserves a truly iconic role

You guys should've appreciated Welcome to Raccoon City more, now you have this shit.

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Netflix saw evil bad man and immediately thought of a black guy

Charon in John Wick isn't enough?

the music and cinematography is kino if you can get over the shit casting



what did they mean by this

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really? which retarded game established that?

>Where's my iconic slave role?

I don't play the games I'm just half-remembering shit from lore videos

Don't care Lance Reddick is based

heres your Jill for tn

Attached: jillvoth_002.jpg (600x900, 114.95K)

No, that is absolute dogshit too.


Is there something good that shows off Lance Reddicks acting chops? Something that isn’t “condescending intelligent black man with a buttery deep voice”?

At least it's Lance Reddick.

He play stern black man with authority in everything I seen him, Wesker is opposite of that.

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Lance is so based that I don't even care

Can't argue with that.

This is like when Paterson Joseph gets cast in shit. It could definitely be a lot worse. It's not like he's gonna be goofing off and screeching AWW HELL NAWW all over the screen