Cinéma équivalent of pic related?

Cinéma équivalent of pic related?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Master of disguise

You are lying sir

have the stars always been there?

In this timeline, yes

The Dark Knight Rises

first time I've ever noticed


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The Tree of Life

10 hours of dolphin documentaries while your parents fight in the background

You're probably from a different timeline. Do you remember it as berenstein or berenstain?

neither because i've never heard of either

Then you definitely are.

Well le played, fellow redditlorde! I am going to upboat your funny quips and give you le reddit awards!

berensneed, actually.

Actual kino

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Weird. I'm from the berenchuck universe.

both spellings have been used

The big blue

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It needs to be something with a tonal shift to horror like Event horizon. The story of Ecco is fucked up!

Yes. They’re even acknowledged in game.

The tonal shift happens in the first level though.

Alien unironically.

Ok , lets want:

>ocean kino
>blue on blue vaporwave aesthetic with some proto sea punk (which was the inspired by this to begin with)
>alien ecology themes
>white, blue, pink

You and me are the only two people on this fuckign board right now who even know what youre talkign about. Give me 300 million and i make you this movie. But besides this...there isnt a thing that coems close to the thing you want. And i know exactly what you want.

Im a poolwave head myself.

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What about pic related, sort of

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Not as much as it does with enter the machine

Check out this artist.

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Ecco is a space/time eco water alien world trip

That's not a Dolphin.

I was referring more to the poolwave thing