
Once the dust settles, what will we truly think of it?

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pretty but boring film

better story than the original but the soundtrack is significantly worse

I don't think it did anything better than the original but i'm glad we got it


one of the worst movies I've ever seen

>the duality of man
I'm gonna re-listen to the soundrack of BR2049 now thx

another shitty story ripping off the bible

Sea Wall is based, everything else is forgettable Zimmer shit churned out by the yard like he always does

In the theater, I enjoyed it. On rewatches, significantly less. I don't think it's as bad as people say, but the ending doesn't really work and feels forced.

explain plox. The goose is Job or what?

the whole resistance angle feels like a lazy plot device to get from a to b, you could do the whole reuniting deckard with his daughter story much cleaner

Sea Wall bangs. Listening now. Did you notice how BR2049 soundtrack starts with the same exact drum as '84? Pretty cute homage, nay?

the entire movie is a lazy plot device

I thought it was great desu except for Leto and Ford and every woman that wasn't Joi, the hooker or the designer

completely shit

It is remarkable and surprising for having a literal waifu/internet/porn-addicted lonely incel as its main protagonist, and actually portraying him totally sympathetically rather than hating him like the entire rest of the current cultural orthodoxy. They'll probably never make a character like this again- despite people like him being a massive and rapidly rising percentage of real life society.

Overall it's great. Easily Villeneuve's best movie (he was lucky to be paired with a good script that he didn't write, good production designer, great cinematographer, etc). Dune is so much worse than this.

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bad opinion

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story was okay up until the cringe "I'm building an army" bit. Wallace or whoever ran the company was a little too much at times. The world and sound design was top notch. The whole Joi concept on top of the already existing replicant thing was a good idea. Visually and audio wise a beautiful movie. K was also more interesting than Deckard.
>it's boring
well it's not Bladerunner if people arent calling it boring. I tried to watch both films on different occasions only to just be too bored to continue either. About a year later I give it another try and the world just sucks me in and I now really like both films. I've heard others have had similar experiences.

We are unironically heading towards this society if we aren't in it already. Late Stage Capitalism has proven that the Oligarchy and Oligopoly on top of the food chain in the US has complete control over all of us. They are funding both sides of the same coin. We will all be SERFs in 30 years. We will have less neon but more and more people will live in cities and become reliant on technology and work towards a wage-slavery type future like Bladerunner universe. It already costs roughly 40,000 to even break even in the US. Society is collapsing and yet the rich are getting richer. I hope all the poor people rise up before we let it get this bad

Leto ruined every scene he was in. He was lurching around in these ridiculously contrived outfits, literally yelling about the moral conflict of the movie. He's blind but he has floating eye-robots, see? But that doesn't mean he notices his employee crying while he slaughters the crying newborn girl. It's like shit written by a 13 year old.
The world was on the verge of a robot revolution, but this simply isn't brought up until 2/3rds of the way through the run time and then just sort of drifts away like a fart. It's the most important piece of information in the setting and ffffft.
Every ten minutes you're confronted with ridiculous ideas that you just have to swallow. Who was tending to the beehives in the radiated ruins of Las Vegas? What flowers were they gathering honey from? Oh well, never mind it's just scenery I guess.
Joi is revealed to be a shallow, meaningless product when K talks to a billboard and it gives him the same nickname that his Joi did. But his Joi encouraged him to run away from the sinister all-controlling corporation that produced her and break the law. Try that with your cellphone now and see what happens.
That was after she apparently invented VR hooker sex? Are you fucking retarded? People are doing that right now.
We make fun of people who are straining to put on a performance by saying "I'M ACTING!!!" BR2049 was a good story and a beautiful movie, but every once in a while I could hear Denis Villenuve going "I'M DIRECTING A DYSTOPIAN MOVIE!!!!" at the top of his lungs. Motherfucker needed to trim the plot and stop indulging himself.
Film gets a B. It's a B- on second viewing.

>leftists think they're intelligent by calling current times "late" to try an evoke a sense of urgency

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The Resistance just pops up out of nowhere only to tell K he isn't that important and the Chosen One daughter isn't even really in any danger of being found.

Also, why didn't the Jared Leto corp just kill K in Vegas? They had no problems killing his boss, who was much higher ranking.

Then there's that quick cut to Batista's "words of wisdom" which don't really land at all, yet they're the one thing that motivates K to act.

I know the whole story is about K finding a purpose, but they chose the worst possible way of doing it. "Oh, he just suddenly remembers the opening scene and what those words mean now."

So clumsy.

It's a standard shitty scifi flick that imitates arthouse aesthetics. It's the $20 Patek Phillipe imitation, the Chrysler 300 with Bentley badge, Ready Player One wrapped in Ulysses dust cover. A film by fedora for fedoras. It's the quintessential pseud movie. A pedestrian easily accessible scifi story covered in several coats of artistic cinematography and featuring just enough quasi-philosophical meandering to turn away both the ones looking for a fun flick and those looking for serious kino - it has become the Holy Grail of pseuds. Quite obviously more mentally stimulating than capeshit, yet never as much as to take the viewer out of the comfort zone of the usual evergreen scifi questions and babby's first existential crisis - it's the perfect cultural artifact to attach to for someone desperately longing for the image of "thinking man" or "cinephile", while not actually being interested in challenging their own thoughts or developing authentic taste. It's a movie for smart-but-lazy dropouts, for young adults who sincerely use the word "normie", for men with "So it goes" tattoos rereading Hitchhiker's Guide for the third time, for community college freshmen that write posts starting with "as an engineer", for "I love Nietzsche! Nihilism, fuck yeah!" people, for those that have buried themselves so deep in irony so they can't even be honest with themselves anymore. The sort who will make fun of ham-fisted Black Mirror VR episodes in one thread and expunge upon "deep" connotations of holographic waifu in 8000 character multiposts in another, the sort who get off on reddit gold received for their standard issue incoherent teenage "philosophizing" dreck spiced with 'human condition' and 'Hegelian dialectic', the enlightened-by-their-own-intelligence crowd. The painful kind of self-aware capeshit swine that constantly whines about the death of cinema while watching nothing but Hollywood and dismissing everything else as "pretentious".

>We will all be SERFs in 30 years
>Doesn't realize he's already a serf.
Bladerunner is an exaggerated version of current reality
I agree, the story and screenplay could use some polishing, but Villenueve is a literal cinema psycho nerd. I think he just loves the medium, more than (((storytelling))). And a film putting you to sleep is actually not a bad thing, it means it's hypnotic aka cinematic

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I'm not a leftist you fucking turd licker. Capitalism at this scale (the US) has never been tried in concurrence with such a constitutional republic. It has 100% lifted more people out of poverty than any other ideology, sure; however if you play enough hands in monopoly eventually all the money makes its way towards the top. We're getting mighty close to that. Don't like 7% of people own 90% of the money?

Another shitty flick from villememe.


haha I dont even know what that is supposed to mean in regards to a film, but i just thought i would say it

No, I am afraid America's future will be far less kino than Blade Runner.

We will look like Brazil or India by 2080.

99% of the American population, by that point mostly mixed-white brown and black, will be living in dirty slums and in grinding poverty with no electricity or running water while the top 1% (Jews and Indian CEOs) live in gated communities and enjoy an immensely high quality of life.

Given the rapidly rising cost of living, stagnant wages, rapid increase in economic inequality, and lack of any social safety net, this is all inevitable.

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>Late Stage Capitalism
go back to r*ddit

>the whole resistance angle feels like a lazy plot device to get from a to b, you could do the whole reuniting deckard with his daughter story much cleaner
I think the resistance makes more sense now that I've seen the movie a bunch of times. It divides the movie into 3 factions that all want to control K:
>Wallace wants him because he thinks K holds the secret of creating replicants that can reproduce
>the police want him because they don't want him to live and give ideas to other replicants that they're not just slaves
>the replicants want him because they think he's going to lead them as an army to overthrow the regular humans
K doesn't care about any of that. He just wants to do good things, like reunite Deckard with his daughter. All these people want to use him for their own purposes, even supposed friends like the resistance. K ditches them as soon as possible and goes off to do his own thing that he believes in rather than continue to be used by other people. It's easy to see it as sequel bait setting up a revolution, but that's not why it's in the story.