Underrated Kinos

Kinos that normies don't know about

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looking this up

bretty guud

was literally the most popular movie at the time.

If Bone Tomahawk and Hot Fuzz are kinos that normies don't know about, so It is Titanic

looking this up

are you in your early 20s? I don't think you understand. When I was 7-10 years old both of these movies came out. I specifically remember the lines for the theatres being wrapped around the building. Every theatre was showing Titantic. It was a massive film. This was before online tickets when the kinoplex had soul.

now watch the original

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Man, I saw this this movie in the theaters when it was first released. My point is that these were bad examples of underrated kinos

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>Chang Dong

Fuck man, that ending was just too much for me
Imagine being those women, jesus fucking christ

I almost got filtered by the first 40mins of this. Glad I stuck it out

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The Fugitive is one of the best movies of the 90s and lots of people haven't even heard about it

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bretty guud

Here, an actual underrated kino normies don't know about. You're welcome.

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I'm talking about the movie. I couldnt care less about that actor or director being overrated.

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worst last act i've ever seen

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Lucky you

Bone Tomahawk is peak soi.
>It's Le Western with a horror twist and absurdist dialogue
Honestly a fine 6/10 flick but it is NOT kino and very overrated.

Within the first 30 seconds of watching it, for me The Fall went from "I literally never heard about that movie in my entire life" to "this is one of the most stunning movies ever made".

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