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chad vs onions litmus test
if you don't like it you're a msnbc anti-football faggot
if you dig the action pieces you get pussy

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what is it about, another glow-in-the-dark headhunter being embellished as a charming and relatable "dude"?

sportsball jogger worship is for zogbot 56% retards

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The action scenes were pretty lame.

It's just military industrial propaganda from the media as they are probably short on recruits right now. This sort of glorification of the CIA, FBI, military etc, happens every few years.

>glorification of the CIA, FBI, military etc
He spends his time killing them for being evil and corrupt.

The action is the worst part about the show, I expect some realism in my operator kino

>is about to kill an NCIS agent who he is absolutely sure tried to kill him
>turns out it isn't the guy
>had a dream days before that he was holding a gun to his own head (ie no one was trying to kill him)
>questions the agent further
>has a flashback to his dead friend saying 'we know it's him, just kill him' to a crying arab
This is the hardest shit I've ever seen in my life

Imagine not being a Patriot lmao

>10000 action movies a year since the 60's
>now all of a sudden theyre glowops for recruits

Totally agree, fellow non-shill.
I love Amazon and Bezos.
>inb4 I'm not a shill
Imagine shilling this shit for free.

just another glorification of the 'cool operator shooter brodude with a beard' fad that has saturated the market

he's a navy seal, his brother is CIA, the baddie is another operator brodude, when they're in mexico they get help from mexican glowies
amazon keeps doing these pro-glowie series, when its not this one it's jack ryan.
in one or two years it will be something else in the same vein.

the military cant even defend the US border, but patriotism is buying into destroying a country halfway around the world because maybe 10 years ago they had a canister of chlorine gas (they didnt), got it. thank you for your service btw.

I normally like stuff like this but the action in the trailer looked so fucking cheap and boring. I like boomer shows like Reacher, Bosch and Jack Ryan. Is this worth watching?

to be fair they probably are low on young white males in the millitary since they focused so hard in gaining the obese schitzoid mulatto tranny demographic in

Ok, calm down now

What's the alternative? Make the protagonist a criminal? Have him be the fanboy poser corpo guy?

Have him be a Any Forums incel that lacks any charm and has no friends tk support him. It would end 15 minutes from the start with the main character dying and a black guy having sex with his crush on his grave.

This, and it's kino. Recruitment kino.

Cringe take bro, you sound like a 14 year old child who has no friends. Show was ok, but you whiney faggots are just as bad as the whiney faggots you co.plain about.

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The military industrial complex is based and I'm tired of pretending it isn't

>pump out endless woke anti-american garbage for a decade
>white men have less and less desire to serve a country that doesn’t care for them
>war machine needs enlisted bodies to survive and is starting to run on empty
>jewish overlords start making military kino

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