Does he have anything else planned after Strangers Things?

Does he have anything else planned after Strangers Things?

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Film based on the mutt meme

We live in a time where you can literally ask him this question yourself, fuck off

Seems like a nice kid, good sense of humour

This but it's a comedy slasher called La Creatura


go ask him

He would be perfect for the Hitler biopic.

he's contractually obligated to drive the mclaren shitbox until at least 2025

Isn't he in a new movie or show with Displeased Couscous?

He's gonna be Angry Rice's love interest in a new hit teen comedy on Paramount+

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dios mio..

How did they fix him?

You see this is why Angourie is gay.
She keeps getting paired up with ugly dudes like this.
It's no wonder she rather munch her sister's rug.

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Another one spreading defective genes.

She already had Gosling and Crowe in that one movie, she's got no right to complain.


why the FUCK do they keep doing this to her, ricebros

Ugly screen boyfriends + diminishing her role in Spider-Man + forcing her to get the dyke haircut TWICE seems like a weird ongoing humiliation ritual

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real???? ahahhahahahahahahahaha holy fuck

pretty sure she only got the ugly dyke cut once and it was for Mayor of Easttown, and she looked really hot in it anyways. unless you think short hair = dyke cut.

I'm about as fat and ugly as the guy who played Ned, and I dated a girl who looks remarkably like Angourie Rice. She had really low self-esteem, and left after it improved and she realized she could do better.

She had to cut it again because filming was shut down for a few months when Covid first hit. It did look cute once she grew it out a little

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