Is this dude based or cringe?

I love his content on addiction and recovering from your past failings, but his recent content has seemed kind of culty for my liking.

Attached: channels4_profile.jpg (900x900, 181.7K)

He sounds like he's from London

He looks like a cult leader

He's worse than a contrarian. He's a contrarian grifter for profit.

He's always been a fart sniffing faggot who's way too full of himself.
You probably didn't have a strong father figure growing up OP.

We're talking about Russel Brand, not Trump chud boy.

He's based in the sense that he is genuinely curious to understand things instead of just being a gay handwavey libtard, but he's still a gay libtard.

I think he's just genuinely freaked out over how much power is being centralized nowadays and is using his platform to point it out. Understandable.

How's he a liberal? Isn't he against centralized power and authoritarian capitalism? Seems to me he's a lefty/anarchist of some sort.

Based and Koonupilled

a girl I used to fuck had a thing for him, so he can fuck off and die.

>He's based in the sense that he is genuinely curious to understand things instead of just being a gay handwavey libtard,
He might be a bit curious but he's really just doing it for money and fame.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to think any of these hollywood kikes and shabbos goys give two fucks about anything outside their mansions?

he has a bigger penis than op

Bitch ass, his videos are exactly:
>Hey you know thing?
>Ah, Anti-Thing!
>What do you think of thing?
>Come on down to me show and talk about it wif me!
Any time he posts he's promoting his gigs.

They exist. Noam Chomsky for example is a rich and influential kike intellectual but is still kinda based in the sense that he does large amounts of original research, responds to emails, comes up with interesting takes, criticizes some parts of ZOG, etc.

He's a funding career comedian you retarded faggot. Of course he's gonna plug his shows. All comedians plug their shit shows!

To be fair he would be making way more money acting in cringe movies than being whatever he is in now. He has some good opinions but a lot of shitty gay hippy opinions. I don’t really care about anything he does. But Get Him to the Greek was a cool movie.

All comedians are grifting faggots so why would you listen to anything they have to say?

controlled opposition

>He's a contrarian grifter for profit.
How many mansions has he bought in LA while calling people that can buy mansions bad, that kind of grifter?

>actually opposes culty behavior he sees other people do
>OP (an actual cultist) projects unto him
Many such cases.

just talk to your dad sometimes faggot

He'd be entirely irrelevant if it weren't for his gay Goop For Men bullshit and vlogs about "recent events". He's not even a comedian, he's more like a faggy limey version of Nannette.

I can't decide. Sometimes he's funny and based but usually being extremely cringe and pretentious at the same time. It's weird. Either way he's always entertaining at least.