Is he unironically a genius?

Is he unironically a genius?

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Nope. Don't care how "based" his filmmaking habits are

One of the jewiest Jews to ever jew. I will never get how 4channelers like him. Brainworms must be causing that.

Just the opposite, actually. His comedic instincts are retarded enough to endear him to teenagers and your average joe six-pack, which are demographics that made him rich and consistently show up to his movies.

A genius? No.
An absolute Chad? Yes.

Imagine churning out gold plated turds for your friends and family and just giving zero fucks

t. Cum Town and/or Sam Hyde fan

he knows how to make money for sure. unfortunately it might lead to him not winning any major awards. which I think he was fine with but after the success of uncut gems I believe he's really wondering if he could have nabbed one if he put some effort earlier in his career.

>Any Forums hates jew
>Any Forums like jew

Jesus fucking Christ, zoomer.

>Cares about money and awards
This is not /ma/ - money & awards

t. Cum guzzler/ tranny axe wound fan

Surprised all his acting like a retard in films in the 90s didn't get him cancelled yet

Yep, knew it.

Same here


He's only in his 50's. Those are still prime years for serious roles.

Uncut Gems is far from the first time Sandler has played a dramatic role, zoomer tards.

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I think he is another fetishist

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He's a genius businessman, he knows his target audience well and pumps out so many cheap shit films that make back the cost 10x and most of his movie sets are basically free vacations for him.

Happy Gilmore is the best movie ever made

I rate him alongside Jim Carey where they can both actually act, but only when given the right script and director.

I disagree. Happy Gimore is a very good movie but Billy Madison is the best movie ever.