Korea produces anti-capitalist kino which rival the works of Eisenstein and Bondarchuk

Korea produces anti-capitalist kino which rival the works of Eisenstein and Bondarchuk
Japan produces flipbook flicks that make capeshit seem watchable by comparison and 30 equally terrible variations on “loser is reborn in generic fantasy land and has sex with a sex slave”.

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i hate our entertainment industry full of commies though

japsisters is it time to commit suzuki

>d*Sney praises korea
don't care, still watching anime

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Squid Game is fucking shit

uh the One Piece world isn't generic and not an isekai and Luffy isn't a loser and there's no sex at all ok (because of its main character in the pic)

>Korea produces anti-capitalist kino which rival the works of Eisenstein and Bondarchuk

Don't go reading too much into netflix show

using japan as a standard to call korean shit "kino" isn't it

don't care. will still watch anime

disney should fix their starwars

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kys weeb

>adds black pipo
Its already fixed
How is that possible?

The capeshittery phenomena first started in Japan if you think about it. Well before MCU, Japan's comic book industry completely destroyed Japanese filmmaking. The land that once gave the world the likes of Akira Kurosawa now just shits live action adaptations of Manga.

Attached: 2019 japanes movies.png (1448x920, 1.67M)

kys k*rean

anime>live action

>caring about Disney

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>anti-capitalist kino which rival the works of Eisenstein and Bondarchuk
Bondarchuk sr. wasn't very political. If you want to compare squid to anticap cinema, you could name Godard.
I'd love to argue more, but I haven't watched squid.
Japan is lost.

Korea and the rest of mainland Asia are still completely irrelevant to me


Didn't someone make the whole film with a white girl thanks to AI?

Disney is just mad that their newest attempt at shit is crashing.

I just watched a very good Japanese movie from 1997

I don't know but I hope so

>and 30 equally terrible variations on “loser is reborn in generic fantasy land and has sex with a sex slave”.
But that’s based