Hey user, i need a ride home

>hey user, i need a ride home

Attached: aaaaaaa.jpg (1200x675, 227.26K)

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what kino does she put on the dashboard screen

You can ride something heheh if you know what I mean.

Uhh I don't drive but you can sit on the handlebars of my bicycle.

how would you know the other is a sex haver

Only very ugly men fantasize about average women like the one in the picture


You know the rules: ass, grass, or cash.

>Hold up, I thought women only talked to you of their own accord if they thought you were attractive wtf is going on

The most unrealistic "cute coworker" would have to be that one girl in Lars and the Real Girl
>Constantly tries to befriends Lars despite him being the town's turbo-autist
>Isn't put off by Lars buying a sex doll
>Still wants to go out with him at the end

Attached: MV5BMTY3NTQ4ODIwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDc0NjE5NA@@._V1_.jpg (2048x1360, 2.24M)

no there are attractive men who have low self esteem

>interacting with female coworkers outside of work
Lmao even.

sure, but you pay for coffee

I don't know why you brought her up but yeah i agree with you wholeheartedly. I agree so much I posted a thread about it on Any Forums back when i watched latrg
She's easily the worst party of the film.

......................I drive

there's a name for that trope: Pixie Dream Girl. Check it out

Her trying to be polite and not be confrontational about his weird tendencies would make sense, but the rest is absurd

Yeah that was my biggest complaint too. Zero chance a woman with average tier looks like that chases after an autist pushing a sex doll around town.
An annoying coworker once asked if we could "carpool" but her husband needed their car every day to get to work so it would actually just be me driving past the office every day to pick her up then driving away from my home to drop her off. The audacity.

I'm a 6'2 chad irl and I would fuck literally every female who is at least a 6/10, which she is.

the fact she is the heiress of an empire makes her a 10/10 to me. I have a thing for thots with money and power.


>sure no problem
*immediately start apologizing for my car's stench of fireball and camel crush menthols*

But we are severed, you dumb bitch.

I feel you, man, but that's real life

nigga please, u can be as attractive as u like but if you're timid and meek bitches will rarely if ever give you attention, and a hoe will never make the first move even if she's got a crush on you. The secret to getting pusy always has and always will be to take the initiative, give them attention, chat them up and if you establish a good rapport ask them out once you know them a little, but don't wait too long. If you're a quiet guy either change or hope that one day some chick picks you up, which is like 90% unlikely to happen

Didn't the person who came up with that recant it or something

Thats not actually true. Maybe the fantasize part, but a huge amount of model tier looking guys end up with average to slightly above average women.
