Why do people love to cherry pick America’s problems but get really quiet when the US actually fixes or improves them?

Why do people love to cherry pick America’s problems but get really quiet when the US actually fixes or improves them?


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>but get really quiet when the US actually fixes or improves them?
fuck the USA, I will never forgive this demonic country for what they did to Japan

I don't care about child poverty or some faggot shit like that
apologize for the atomic bombs and pay reparations
this country blows ass and I hope its destroyed

Based. I too hate this shithole but not for the same ramblings you just typed out

You're delusional. The town where i grew up used to have a small homeless population, concentrated in the older section of town. Today, homeless people are everywhere. The city had to build a special children's homeless shelter, to help protect homeless children.
You need to learn to use empirical evidence in order to figure out what's going on, instead of these fabricated studies that BLS or whoever puts out. They've been notoriously bad for a long time.

Lol you can't be older than 16.

I mean, how can you form a decent knowledge of the United States when half the Americans you find online unironically say shit like this: , , Yesterday there was a guy here arguing that americans have it worse that germans from the Weimar Republic.

>apologize for the atomic bombs and pay reparations

Fuck japan and fuck you faggot

People usually say that in terms of decadence and degenerate new ideas, which is true. The main issue with americans is the absolute subservience to black and white thinking, particularly among leftists. They don't care about reason as long as they feel good for doing what they believe is right. Obviously it's not as bad in regards to finances or internal strife, yet at least.

>Um sweaty it ended the war and japshits deserved it

>particularly among leftists
No its all Americans

US Federal government statistics are crap. The executive branch claims there's no inflation going on, but if there is, it's Putin's fault, but it's also a sign of economic strength. You don't live here, you're just You farming.

I figured this out much more recently but a metric ton of them are bots.

The kremlin and China have major bot farms. I’ve caught these bots saying things no American would say.

>my anecdotal thoughts trump your actual data

Homelessness used to be a bigger but they’re just allowed to sit around now rather than being shooed away. And a lot aren’t economically impaired, they’re mentally ill.

What doesn’t help is a lot of states export their homeless west. Most US states have really good homelessness by developed country standards but California is a shit ton worse. What doesn’t help is California’s zoning laws preventing more shelters from being built.

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>Why do people love to cherry pick America’s problems but get really quiet when the US actually fixes or improves them?
That's not an America exclusive problem. It happens to every country, every continent, and every race.


They're implying that the covid welfare programs should be kept

2009 was like the height of the recession.

>they’re crap because I choose not to believe them

The US government isn’t China. It doesn’t hide statistics related to quality of life so it won’t lose face. It’s stats are about as good as any other developed country’s.

I have seen americans say I think 90% unironically that Somalians are better off because they dont have to pay taxes

>methodology updates
>we changed the definition of poverty so it doesn't exist

There is a horrific amount of bots. And I know they’re bots because it’s around midnight. They don’t do this shit during prime American waking hours or get home from work hours. Only late at night when everybody is asleep.

They’re either bots or mentally insane


But it always increases when the methodology changes

its the opposite, its there to explain the sudden "rise" in poverty, the new definition is more inclusive

>Everyone who points out America's flaws is a bot, probably a Russian too, definitely communist in origin
Americans are so delusional it's unreal.

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Japan had it coming.

this is unironically how americoids tihnk
i hate this corrupt shithole of a country so much, filled with violent meatheads

I want to reply to this again, just because it's the dumbest shit I've read today; the USA lied in our official statistics repeatedly during the covid pandemic. We over counted fatalities, in order to prolong the shutdowns and keep people hysterical so they would take mRNA vaccines. Our media accused China of underreporting death, but we know for certain that we over counted death, to the point of counting victims of homicide as covid deaths.

cringe yet based

People like yourself need to go. Either apply for asylum in moscow or do a flip off your parent's house.

>Either apply for asylum in moscow
why would I go to moscow? I plan on moving to Japan and already am working on setting up my life there

Hello frail manlet weeaboo virgin

You know you’ll still be a frail manlet weeaboo virgin in Japan too right? Nothing will change for you except you’ll just be even lonelier because nobody will want to talk to you

Look at Nobody in the western world uses the word “meathead” but eastern shills use it a lot more due to their culture. Criticizing the country is fine, I do it myself. It’s what they say that’s bot worthy. And again, the hordes of self hating Americans only do this shit in the dead of night when it’s perfect day time in China and Russia.

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