How many movie plots have these motherfuckers ruined?

How many movie plots have these motherfuckers ruined?

Attached: Honeyview_phone.png (1200x630, 820.7K)

2003-2011 was peak comfy
Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't


have some self control you weak minded peasant

what are you talking about?

Entire Horror genre
>we're not getting a signal
>give me your phones now like complete morons
Nah, these don't work.

Androidchad here, which phone does Any Forums own?
iFags need to fucking leave.

i just got SE 2020 after using $0 android phones.

Attached: WIN_20220125.jpg (1280x720, 147.74K)

From a writing perspective dumbass

had a samsung, switch to iphone 12.
ios is just better than android. it's an annoying piece of software, plus samsung are the biggest kikes in the phone market. they block your phones off from updates when theyre only like 2 years old.

Not a bad model. I got it back when it came out oct 2020 after being team android my whole life. NGL senpai i miss my samsung. :(

Samsung use paid shills really aggressively as well.

Attached: gdsgsddssd.jpg (652x712, 212.07K)

and their phones are fucking expensive too. more so than iphones i think

Lmao. Samsung B2710 is all you need.

All of them. More movies should be set in a weird out-of-time timeframe like It Follows, so we aren't bothered with mobile phones.

A really recent Samsung model
Quite good I don't think I'll be needing a new phone for a long while. My old one was a Huawei that lasted around 7 years before its battery finally kicked the bucket.

lol retards

choose one.
Enjoy your exploding phone.

>Have metro pcs
>Literally no service anywhere
Just have the main characters get a $30/mo metro plan and it's very believable that they can't make a call

Fucking retard can't even understand a pretty straightforward sentence. You love to see it.

Being a contrarian about everything doesn't make you look cool user

You're just unaware of custom android OSes