Cap is the best MCU character. Change my mind

Cap is the best MCU character. Change my mind

You can't.

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>superhero has a catchphrase

It's not a catchphrase you ADD zoomer. It's reflective of his entire character arc. His ongoing struggle to keep true to his ideals and maintain his principles, to stand unwavering in the face of insurmountable odds. Snyderjeets wouldn't understand though because it doesn't have le wacky cinematography or overt symbolism.

it's a catchphrase

Peggy says it in the new doctor strange movie. It has become a catchphrase

Tony Stark is a more compelling, nuanced and well developed character than Steve, every day of the week.

Attached: RDJ MANLET1448581366.jpg (1600x1067, 182.48K)

I'm 35, you dense faggot.

I don't care about changing your mind

>keep true to his ideals and maintain his principles
>Peggy says
And she dies right after that

Any Forums cannot deny that it was kino when Cap wielded Mjolnir

What? What are you talking about? Why do you think I give a fuck about any MCU product that's come out after Endgame?

>marvelfag thinks he sees an allegory in capeshit
They're laughing at you, not with you.

Cap is the best because he still has the heart of a manlet.

Cap was pure trash. Tony was right, everything special about him came out of a bottle. The moment Tony started dunking on Steve in the first Avengers, Cap became a vindictive, insufferable cunt whose only aim was to be antagonistic to Tony. That's why it's an absolute joke that he lifts Mjolner, because him being a good and virtuous man is only something we've been told about him but never shown. Every chance given, Steve was a humorless twat who was at all times perfectly willing to stand in opposition to his fellow Avengers, to Shield, to anything but his own sanctimonious image of himself and what he feels the world should look like. He always conflated his thoughts and feelings to goodness as though he's as infallible as God merely because they're his thoughts and feelings, not because he's thought through an issue or stands for any actual principles or beliefs larger than himself. If anything, Cap was a perfect example of what Satanism is all about, elevation of self and belief in himself as the pinnacle.
Only soulless faggots like Captain America.

Cap is the best live action superhero period. Better than superman and batman.
He is Captain America.
Falc and wint show proved it takes more than the shield to be Cap. Chris Evans did a great job.

Catchphrases are cringe

bros is satan a manlet???

seriously, does nobody tell him this complex is incredible embarrassing?

you're just angry because you don't have morals

That's not Rocket

nah bro it's a catchphrase. hayley atwell says it when she's cap in the new doctor strange movie. bet falcon is gonna say it too

i would like his character more if the actor wasn't such a raging cuckold.

its just a movie retard. if you had friends IRL you wouldn't be so passionate about capeshit you soigoy

Man, Zack Snyder really fucked up capeshitters. The man has been boogeyman for all sides of the aisle.

post eye color right now, spic

if you had friends irl you wouldn't be seething so hard about other people enjoying things.

He's a liberal cuck who doesn't stand for anything bug gay people.

>other people enjoying things
you're literally doing the opposite of enjoying but go off i guess

Really though. He was on a radio show making a jab at Chris Evans needing to man up for some event while here he is standing on his tippy toes because heaven forbid he be shorter than Scarlet with her high heels on.