How do women in your country react to interracial dating...

How do women in your country react to interracial dating? I work in an engineering field and almost every guy has shown his hapa children on video calls and you can visibly see the single women on the call seething past a certain age.

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Depends entirely on the racial makeup of the couple.
In short they seethe about Dutch men with foreign gfs while they are always, without exception, defend the notorious BMWF.

I’m mixed race but I’m white and I date a lot of white women

I was in the Netherlands a few years ago, nearly every mixed couple I saw was

1) Dutch guy with Indonesian women
2) Dutch women with Suriname men

Thats like 90% of the couples here, yes. There's also the racially ambiguous brownoid woman + white man and that's about it.

I have dated whites, Jews, and Asians (Japanese and Chinese) in my life.
Outside of niche internet communities, nobody gives a shit

That's untrue. There's a lot of stereotypes about various interracial pairings and especially men hate it when women date outside of their race.
There were only a handful of blacks in my highschool but any girl who dated them was despised and sometimes anonymously harassed.

>prefer white guys

What did Canada mean by this?

And the majority of the men who "hate" BMWF pairings masturbate to interracial porn I bet. Extreme in one direction, extreme in the other to balance out the psyche.
Points being that:
>a lot of the "hate" for BMWF pairings is caused/enabled by the proliferation of interracial porn, that's why it isn't present among other pairings
>Pornography should be illegal

All humans are one race. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>that's why it isn't present among other pairings

What about WMAF?

every dating here is interracial

Ya'll gonna be Brazil soon

1) the disdain for bmwf is older than porn, ie 19th century lynchings over accusations of looking at white women
2) you don't take into account the shitloads of other pairings which cause a backlash of some sort, ie Muslim/South-Asian women being expelled from the community, people being excluded from an inheritance, WMAF being considered the easy way out for betas, list goes on and on

It definitely exists (and pornography focusing on it exists too, surprise, surprise), but a) the hate toward that group is a ton less vitriolic and b) most whites parse Asian people as basically white anyways unless they're FOB

Don't forget.

>only ghetto white girls date black guys
>black guys can only get obese/ugly white women

Are ones I heard all the time growing up.

its true though
Only dumb white girls date black men and you dont see successful white women in an intellectual background dating a black man

White women with mena bfs are being used as kitchen tools
White men with Slavic woman bought her at some auction
White men with Thai woman stole her from some child orphanage
White men with mena woman doesn't want to ever hear no (obedient af)

List goes on and on.

it's super normal in zoomers but not common between older people. They seethe about latinas wanting providers, but they can't compete

why should white women date indian men?


>White men with mena woman doesn't want to ever hear no (obedient af)
That's ridiculous, the kind of mena woman who would go for a white man has to be the stereotypical strong and independent woman because she has to go against the (sometimes deadly) pressure from her entire family who want her to marry a mena guy.

>why should white women date indian men?
they dont need to. Indian men have completely opposite morals and values to white women and its not compatible. And also high endogamy rates and ingroup preference

I never heard of any of these but jfeel like this is because it's more relevant to western Europe and Netherlands than it would be for North America

It is ridiculous but still something people will say. Keep in mind the same people seething about interracial pairings also tend to hate foreigners in general.