What are her best films?

What are her best films?

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The Oven Dodger

>captcha D4DDT


That's very rude, user

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girl interupted then
only one i remember actually


The Crucible is her best kino and oddly enough it’s the one where she shows the least booba

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I want to put my dick between her Khazar boobas so bad it's unreal.

Why didn't she rape her?

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Beat le jews?

I unironically love Edward Scissorhands even though I feel like she isn’t as attractive with light hair.

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Holy kek that's one massive boob surgery.

That can't be real.

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She looks gorgeous in it, I would’ve say it's her best look tho

Girl, Interrupted. Pure nuthouse kino and it wouldn't have worked without her.

You sure?

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I went to high school with a chick that looked like her and was very emo. Two of my friends ended up having sex with her and it still makes me jealous to this day

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Not only were you a fag back then, you continue being a fag by blogposting about your faggotry.

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Do you really mean that

not him but yeah, you're a fag.
Having sex with a scene girl sounds amazing on paper, but believe me on this one my dear user. It felt like spelunking.

Then it’s good that I didn’t do it? Ok

Fixed that for you bro.

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So Hitler was jewish after all