
Do you think their hypermodernism is equivalent to the west's feminism? Idk, I just thought this . Like beta male is basically engrained into their culture and language itself, obsession with anime and shit. One of the things that puts me off about Japan.

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What? Have you been to Japan in the last ten years? Japan is stagnant as fuck. Why are weebs so stupid?

french people.

No, they are hyper urban and hyper modern. They're more advanced than the West. They are closer to where civilisation will go. Im not a weeb I think anime is troon.

>their hypermodernism
excuse me?

you are too far gone
nothing you said even remotely aligns with reality

you live in like big ordered metropolis cities and like follow orders like good bugs

cool haha but i do wnat want to say we should take this time of mourning seriously, i will miss her

are you trying to say japan is civilized? because yes that's true

>No, they are hyper urban and hyper modern.
Kek that ship sailed in the 90s and sank in 2009.

No he’s right, the wealth may have stagnated but socially it is the direction for many other developed countries imo
I lived there for 5 years


Then you would know that Japan is actually not hyper modern at all and that when the wealth dried up so did any serious advancement or updates to infrastructure. Japanese media celebrates swapping out a train instead of building a new rail line. The countryside is also dilapitated as fuck.

No you're overly submissive, overly domesticated. Like a wild animal tamed to do cute circus tricks. Civilisation will head this way, your race is tended towards doing this, due to history, so it does it first but we will go the same way once governments make us bend the knee because why wouldnt they make us bend the knee at the instance when technology is advanced enough to let them gain this ability. Im saying like, basically your culture is no different than ours when it comes to women because technology is the overarching theory here. Feminist values happen either way or something,., The terrain shapes how one crosses it. The basest reasoning is the best assumption.

japan is kawaii

I’m not referring to any technological development

I’m talking about demographic trends and hyperurbanism (most of population living in dense urban areas)

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>Zombie corporations ran by senile boomers that still insist on using outdated technology like fax machines.
>Countryside left to rot as all the young people leave for the cities
>Cultural Calcification to go along with the geriatric society
>Two whole generations (X and Millennial) entirely rugpulled with no career prospects, half end up becoming NEETs rotting in their parents basement or working menial shit jobs.
>Debt driven society that's just churning over loan after loan to keep those zombie corporations going
>Once at the forefront of electronics and technology, now losing on all fronts in that market except video games.


is tokyo a good place to live

it’s amazing except the looming dread of what this poster said though you avoid most of it as a foreigner

have you lived in tokyo

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yes I’m just visiting family in the us

im so fucking drunk

Feminism with Japanese Value.

whats ur cunt like as a cunt, you think its good?

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She is very pretty and I would enjoy having sex with her.

candians only have one place and thats in my arss