
Long live the King

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this could help the US economy and combat inflation by *claps hands* oh, i dont know... 250? or so. thousand. and millions, that will help the economy and allow for the OUTDATED laws on being pirates to be a little better for US citizens


Cuckold edition
Why are bongs so servile? William the Conqueror destroy your will?

I have things to say


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Long live the monarch

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for americans to be able to trade between states there needs to be
>2/3 of the crew on-board to be american
>the boat to be american made (there arent so many american made boats)
>something else, ive forgotten

In the mellow stage of my first ever joint
Shagged the bird best shag and longest yet tonight
It’s been a good day (like ice cube wahey)

bruh why he look like that

Truth be told. Humans know nothing. Their ego rules supreme. Good in some cases, bad in many others. The discovery of all this technology, driven by ego, the discovery pure in heart only to be corrupted by ego. Dehumanise humanity. Rather annoying that I’m subservient to another humans wishes on the grand scale but I suppose that’s human nature as much as it is that someone rules. A cruel world and we’re merely cattle. Would make you think why Jesus was called the shepherd

I just spilt pepsi max all over my bed

need something to read on my phone when waiting for stuff that isn’t Any Forums

british government has a LOT of tax laws, allowances, and, basically (you fucking stupid fuck) FREE SHIT, based on boats

He's honouring his ancestor from mother's side, Muhammad(pbuh)


>These are the two female candidates for President of Lebanon

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Taxation is theft.

The main purpose of religion is not to affirm that there is a God, but to prevent humans from thinking they are Gods.

Likewise the purpose of a modern king is not to rule, but to prevent politicians & office climbers from thinking that they are kings.


whats your alternative

holy shit man NOBODY else EVER has ever thought this way except the government


All verses but I'm waiting for the updated version of this.

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this schizo still going on about an argument he lost days ago with a yank on tax? sort your life out lmfao

Listen mikey pal normally agree with your political and philosophical observations of the world but too rattled to read that in my current state, sure it’s a banger though x

imagine a cosplay gf


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is it coincidence that the intro music to pjw's anything goes videos sounds remarkably like the music that blacked use in theirs?

really makes you think those nutters talking about the navy and sovereign individuals and maritime law and the east india company still reigning might be on to something

fund society by stealing tin from the roofs and selling drugs to children

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Sounds like cuck bullshit

this is the new british anthem

If taxation is theft then using public infrastructure is trespassing. Don't use the roads

yeah that was it, "maritime law"
well, i think a lot of them are ACTUAL sailor jobs, but still. there are a lot of them written. maybe its from the 1700s i dont know

Small localised government I’d imagine would be a step in the right direction. A system where they’re actually responsible for the people.

whos funding that

You just don't get it.
Our monarchy is thousands of years of tradition. It's our heritage, our very soil and foundation.
Some new worlder whos country was basically founded yesterday and has already been through several different iterations would never understand.

Thanks. Drink some water xx
You’re talking as if public infrastructure is exclusive to the current system. It isn’t. And never was

The same people, rather than corporations lobbying heads of state. Would you agree?

what public infrastructure? since the beeching cuts public transport has been a joke. englands once green and pleasant land now a big car park and motorway intersection modelled on the yanks.

He needs a #kinglybeard

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the government dropped some amount (less than 4) of 2p coins where i put a metal can (every day), today


>You’re talking as if public infrastructure is exclusive to the current system
But it is. The current system is was developed the roads and the bridges and the railway. If you think taxation is theft, then public infrastructure that funds and maintains these things are not available to you and you are trespassing on something that doesnt belong to you.

save for 10 days and you'll have 50p!!!
in 3 months you get £5!!!!!!

...and the cops didnt come, today

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The maintenance of the physical railway infrastructure is publicly funded. Only the services are privately run.

yea i agree with you there. corporations should have no place influencing governments. but taxation isn't necessarily theft is it?

You can still have taxation with a localised government. And they can still fund these things.

I am a Jacobite

heh... its not about the money

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Then taxation isn't theft, you're just regurgitating yank talking points because you're angry at the mismanagement of public funds. Thanks for clarifying.

Look how wise he looks here holyshit

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was a close call though


The question is, is he a Sunni or a Shia.

your point was
to do away with taxes. the first point, the whole point, of it all

I am in the throne now

Well it isn’t if it’s spent for the benefit of the people by people of the people. Political parties are lobbied, political leaders lobbied. Lobbied itself implies enough doesn’t it. They’re not for the benefit of the people, merely to keep them content. Whilst they’re robbed blind and suppressed with their own tax funds, a lot of which are robbed

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wow... this says so much about our society...

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>Arrest people for speaking out against the monarchy
>Defend pedophiles just because they are royals
>Holding up a sign is a prosecutable crime in the UK
>Met police in the pocket of the Chinese
>Secret Chinese police stations
Jesus what has happened to the UK?

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Miserable old git vs cool Grandpa

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When you’re taxed by a corrupt system that does not care about the common man, yes it is theft. You’re talking about roads lol, I don’t know where you chaps are from but the roads are falling apart where I am

corrr used to do shit like that all the time me. i once got placed in a B&B for a year after hospital cause i took my coat off in the winter and laid down at midnight front of a row of standing billboards talking about dying african refugees or syrians or some poo shit


you stealing the tarmac from them ?

You actually think your backwater collection of villages and parish council could afford the hundreds of millions it costs to build and maintain roads? Your taxes would triple or quadruple overnight if it was local government funded. use your brain you little gimp

how much tax have you paid throughout your entire life in money


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That man is better off than the formaldehyde-filled Queen THOUGH


now imagine a world with no regulation. no workers rights. no subsidised healthcare. where you have to pay whatever the private owner said infrastructure decides to charge you for using it.

Nah your shitty bastards of government and their king refuse to look after them.

>Arrest people for speaking out against the monarchy
national mourning innit, same thing with what happened in america

by the way youre right and we would all benefit

was just saying this down the pub

We must return to Tradition

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meant for

No it wouldn’t.

i have NEVER used "healthcare" once, ever. not a single time except for that time when it was against my will. the hospital LITERALLY didnt let me leave, and wanted blood samples etc
i was held there against my will after the ambulane driver gave me the option of getting in the van, or going to jail
>where you have to pay whatever the private owner said infrastructure decides to charge you for using it.

Dadberg doing a maccas run lads.
Do you want anything?

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big mac mcnuggets and large fries

yeah thats cause you need to be sectioned