How are they so reddit despite being third world?

How are they so reddit despite being third world?

Attached: Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (800x533, 464)

they are not reddit, their supporters are reddit

they're second world

what does that even mean you dumb faggot

says the most reddit country


pot. kettle.

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You sound like you never leave your house

Not really, they're clearly no longer in the Russian/Chinese block and have aligned with the Western Block. Just like how Poland is now technically first world.

Amewica sama can you pwease giw us ATACMS missiwes to kiw owcs? pweasewy pweeeese

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Being an atlanticist cockslave does not make you first world.

You're getting a propaganda-infused view of the country because your overlords want to control your thoughts.
Zelensky is a very cynical leader, I don't see how you could call him redit.

if the are second world hungary is zeroth world

I'll tell you what, if you're a good little guy and take Kherson, we'll give you some PrSM.

Before I even entered this thread I knew I'll see Polish flags defending Hohols.

Fucking ukrainophiles kill yourselves!!!

True reddit country reporting in.

brother nations, vatnigger

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It does. First/second/third world is outdated cold war terminology with first world meaning Nato/Western-aligned, second world being Comintern-aligned and third being neither.
The reason third world has become synonymous with poverty is because the majority of third world countries in those times were in Africa, Latin America and South/Southeas-Asia.
The second world does not exist anymore as we knew it back then so it's really stupid to still say first world and second world.

We're not brothers with them, you disgusting steppe-lover pig!!!


>brother nations

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its ride or die now. better accept it
no time for division as long as kremlin is still standing
they kicked the hornets nest

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Third world at the end instead of second* my bad.
This map explains it. Turkey was considered part of the first world and it wasn't exactly wealthy.

Poland taught them how to beg

>no time for division as long as kremlin is still standing
Just because you're scared of Russia you are willign to throw away the brotherhood with our true brothers (Hungarians, Czechs and Slovaks) for a "brotherhood" with Ukro bydlo? Kindly kill yourself already.

hungarians hate you
czech and slovaks voted against you in the eu parliment
ukraine is our new friend
a new age is coming, better not make yourself too comfortable

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