I'm a Jehovah's witness

Do we exist in your country ?

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i grew up a jehovahs witness
its a strange religion

Well I think it's the only religion based on logic and facts !

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Yes. It's quite a thing.

Sex with Lara!

Almost non existent beside some jprisons

Yes, sadly. I wished you would stop rining at my fucking door

That's great !

There are 105,208 servants of God in Korea. The light of Christ knows no bounds !

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Not for long

You're right, we're the most persecuted religion


And that's OKAY.

We have the ALMIGHTY at our side.

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17)

Satan always tried to use the government to persecute Jehovah's witnesses.

He tried with Pharaoh in the 16th century BC
He tried with Nero in the 1st century AD
He tried with Hitler during the 20th century AD
He tries with Putin right now

but Jehovah always protects his people !

Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1st century were thrown to lions and turned into human torches by the Roman emperors.

And yet, 2000 years later we still exist and the Eoman emperor is NO MORE !

Hitler vowed to destroy Jehovah's chosen people into oblivion

Now it is Hitler that is destroyed forever and JWs still live

Praise be to our LORD JEHOVAH !

We are just trying to save your life

We are superheroes !

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Do you just have a pdf file full of these copypastas?

And now your country has been cursed with war in Ukraine for your mistreatment against God's chosen people !

For shame !

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And you're cursed with brainrot¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Annoying me in the morning with this nonsese is not being a superhero, but being a disturbance of the neighborhood. You fuckers just won't stop doing that. According to the Administrative Offences Act (Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz) I should be allowed to report you like jfc you're so fucking annoying. Literally noise pollution. How can such a small group of people be so INSUFFERABLE

I am in perfect shape of body and mind !

And soon all diseases will be gone, when Jehovah rules over the earth !

Oткpoвeниe 21:3, 4 нaпиcaнo: «Caм Бoг бyдeт c... [людьми]. Toгдa oн oтpeт вcякyю cлeзy c их глaз, и cмepти yжe нe бyдeт, ни cкopби, ни вoпля, ни бoли yжe нe бyдeт. Пpeжнee пpoшлo».

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I have a friend who believes in that kind of thing
His parents are strict about violent medias especially vydia like CoD and Resident Evil

They also believe that anything comes with competitivity are evil so they don't allow their kids to attend in shits like sports event in school

did you get banned on the other boards or something lara.


Ye. I'm Catholic though

Lara's feet.

Waking up in the morning is a small price to pay for ETERNAL SALVATION !

Jehovah offers you the wonderful opportunity to live in paradise ! In harmony with God, nature and other people !!

Do you want to know how ?

「エホバは……暴虐を愛する者を必ず憎む」。―詩編 11:5。

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>Do you just have a pdf file full of these copypastas?
Clearly not as he made a typo in

Are you even allowed to use the internet for any other reason than preaching ppl ur bs?

Yes, my uncle was one. He died at 60 from dementia and his church tried to convert us family at the funeral.

>Jehovah's witnesses are the second largest religion in Italy


The apostle Paul did a great job !


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I mean I'm Catholic, not JW

What bible verse says Christians can't use the internet ?

I will be sure to tell him I talked to his nephew when I meet him in paradise

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I understood ! I was asking you WHY are you a catholic ?

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second among italians I think
if you account for foregneirs Orthodoxy and Islam have higher numbers

Islam doesn't count since in islam newborns are considered muslim !

In my religion, true conversion is a slow intellectual process which gradually convinces a non-believer that Christian beliefs are true and rational, and that they should commit themselves to a spiritually rewarding life that will bring eternal benefits, and it starts at baptism !

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Because I was raised Catholic by my parents. They baptized me. I never considered changing my religion, because Catholicism already makes me feel at peace with myself and the world around me

Jeżeli przy wyborze religii kierujemy się wyłącznie tym, jakie wzbudza w nas uczucia, możemy podjąć złą decyzję.

W związku z religią Biblia przepowiedziała, że nastaną czasy, gdy ludzie „nagromadzą sobie nauczycieli, by im łechtali uszy” (2 Tymoteusza 4:3).

Jednak zgodnie z biblijną zachętą powinniśmy praktykować „formę oddawania czci, która jest czysta i nieskalana z punktu widzenia naszego Boga i Ojca”, choćby religia taka była niepopularna (Jakuba 1:27; Jana 15:18, 19).

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The British BVLL BTFOd you though.

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