Spanish bros... why do you hate us

spanish bros... why do you hate us...

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napoleon invaded spain which made its colonies take the chance to become independent
so basically France caused the death of the Spanish empire

Everyone hates you Pierre

frenchoïds have a superiority complex over spanishers and sabotage them everytime they can

we will never forgive you

If latinx is a shithole its thanks to you.

you deserve it


why, bruce

we are the latins and latinx king
All euro-latin and american-latin territory belong to us. It's our divine right by superiority of the latin france to rule over all other inferior latins-x subjects.

It is not hate. Your ancestors did an extreme damage here, absolute cruel behaviour.
It is against the "French" idea or concept. We might have a certain dislike of this concept but it will not show up if you are a normal french or a normal person.

Just imagine, how would the french react if Spanish soldiers went to France and started to kill civilians for fun, sacked your Hommes Ilustres tombs (including Napoleon tomb), destroyed your 400 years old Empire, bombed magnificent monuments (Zaragoza lost 80% of their best historic buildings. It would be a Top3 cities in Europe if french soldiers did not destroy it. French soldiers even bombed the 800 years old historic building of the Crown of Aragon headquartes. It does not exist now. Even during the Civil War both sides respected most historic buildings.

Again, I have met decent french people and we had a good time. But the "french concept" or France as a whole only gives us negative vibrations (because of bastard Napoleon and other issues: you vetoed us from entering in the EU or put our Civil War real refugees in concentration camps without food and water)


> *Laugh in Romanian*

Don´t take it personal. We only hate or dislike gypsies and moroccoans.

We have just some mixed feelings with you (and mostly most of us who are more nationalist Spanish. Maybe "I don´t care" people have zero feelings towards you). If we see that you are a decent and friendly person, we will forget where you are from in 2 minutes.

I like France THOUGH

This is what the French general wrote to Napoleon during the bombing of Zaragoza:

"Je n'ai jamais vu une telle férocité que celle de nos ennemis dans la défense de cette place. Les femmes se laissent tuer devant la brèche. Il faut organiser un assaut pour chaque maison. Le siège de Saragosse n'a rien à voir avec nos guerres précédentes. C'est une guerre qui fait horreur. La ville brûle actuellement en quatre points différents, et des centaines de bombes pleuvent dessus, mais rien ne suffit pour intimider ses défenseurs… Quelle guerre ! Ce que les hommes! Un siège dans chaque rue, une mine sous chaque maison. Être forcé de tuer tant de braves, ou plutôt tant de furieux ! C'est terrible. La victoire, c'est nul."

Zaragoza was considered the Florencia of Spain. It had 200 palaces. Just 10-15 were not bombed.

Attached: Martinez+del+Mazo[1].jpg (1024x573, 127.73K)

You allowed your city to be destroyed tbqh, just like we decided to not fight in paris during ww2 allowing the city to not be destroyed by the winning german army.
Guerilla war come to a price.

Come on. People have a natural desire of Justice and pride. If someone goes to your house in a violent manner you will defend yourself unless you are a faggot.

If the french soldiers did not go to Zaragoza to submit their citizens, they would not have defended themselves. And it was the french the ones that bombed the main buildings. Do you really believe that in case of war, the french would bomb Notre Damme and their main historic buildings just to defend themselves? Not at all and you know it.

pretty sure most of Napoléon's campaign in Spain was like this desu

but you couldn't do all of that damage, you were never able to do so, do you understand?

I'm not. I hate only migrants ifested his Fatherlant.

reconnais que quand même c'était une campagne brutale, mais de la à encore détester un pays à cause de ce qui s'est passé il y a 200 ans... Regarde nous ça fait à peine 80 ans et je pense pas qu'on déteste les allemands