This is one of the highest grossing Ukrainian films of all time

Vasul, a proud rural conservative Ukrainian man sends his daughter (Katya) over to France for an education.
Katya excitedly tells him she met a handsome Frenchman and that they're to be married.
He is excited until he realises the Frenchman in question is a black bvll and then tries to separate the two subtly to not incur his daughter wrath.
Throughout the events of the film he encounters many crazy hijinks and learns the true meaning of love.

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now watch this

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I don't condone state wide terrorism.

>Chinese guy riding a bear and a Russian prostitute save the day from an evil bad guy who's bald in a tank

Is this any good? I'd watch this.

KEK, where can I watch it?

You condone white state genocide THOUGH.

Guess who's coming to dinner: hohol edition?

The series this film is based off is so kino
Too bad its only one season

The French made a similar movie called Serial (Bad) Weddings

This is one of the highest grossing Russian films of all time.
Actually the first time I hear about the existence of this. I don't care if Chinese take our hoes, but the movie probably blows.

Apparently I can't post images because reasons. I wanted to post Жмypки (2005).

Is this real or a bait?

It's real and they even made a sequel.
Both the movies even got state grants too.

it was so popular that Lithuania even made a ripoff

t. Lithuanian

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I feel so ashamed.

By the time they have bought into the lies told through movies like this East Asia will already have mined the last piece of cobalt and there's no wedding gift for the bride.

hitler was right about france

The more and more stuff I see internationally. The more I understand WHY we get so many chud boomers obsessed with other races on here

I'm sorry
We used to be the shit, but now, we're just the tumor of Europe

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No need to get hyperbolic.

Question about non-French normies from a French guy that never interacted with foreigners irl:
Trolling put asides, does the average people in your cunt think "Mass immigration" or simply "black people" when thinking about France ? I grew up believing our stereotypes where the striped-shirt wearing, baguette eating snobbish guy, but considering you ALL saw our football team, I would not be surprised if that was not the case anymore.
Do the non-Any Forums tard think France is filled with non-whites ? What about women, do they also know we are getting absolutely replaced ?

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>the average people in your cunt think "Mass immigration" or simply "black people" when thinking about France
Not really. Maybe when thinking of Paris specifically. But I think a lot of Brits still just stereotype France as having a bunch of haughty people, cheese & wine, striped shirts and baguettes etc.

Lithuanian cinema has to be the worst dogshit to ever exist, Uganda makes better movies than us.

I visited Paris in 2012 and was disgusted by the amount of darkies everywhere. I think most people know Paris is fucked.

pure KNHO

the absolute STATE of yt

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I've always despised the french "people" and I wholeheartedly believe that you getting replaced by Arabs and Africans is a net gain to the human race