1/2 Iraqi mizrahi, 1/2 romanian ashkenazi

1/2 Iraqi mizrahi, 1/2 romanian ashkenazi

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100% my wife

she looks evil

shes a fascist

100% made for BBC

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100% BBC appreciator

guys please this is our thing

built for big sharaist cock

100% Jew

yes and BBC is her thing

>romanian ashkenazi
spoiled those BVBYLONIAN genes... darn you shitsrael may you burn in the deepest pits of hell for what you've unleashed on this world.

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You cannot suffer in Israel

I support ashkenazi supremacy.

>Shaked describes herself as "half-Iraqi and proud of it".

I mean God bless her if she isn't contributing to murdering children. My problem isn't with her.

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well she definitely not as right wing as some other iraqi jews, but shes still opposed to giving palestinians a state, but then theres this guy, whose spiritual leader got banned from ever competing in elections due to how racist he was, and he was almost banned from running too due to racism.
>Itamar Ben-Gvir was born in Mevaseret Zion. His father was born in Jerusalem to Iraqi Jewish immigrants. He worked at a gasoline company and dabbled in writing. His mother was a Kurdish Jewish immigrant who had been active in the Irgun as a teenager and was a homemaker. His family was secular, but as a teenager, he adopted religious and radical right-wing views during the First Intifada. He first joined a right-wing youth movement affiliated with Moledet, a party which advocated transferring Arabs out of Israel, and then joined the youth movement of the even more radical Kach and Kahane Chai party, which was eventually outlawed by the Israeli government.[4] He became youth coordinator of Kach, and claimed that he was detained at age 14. When he came of age for conscription into the Israel Defense Forces at 18, he was exempted from service by the IDF due to his extreme-right political background.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 06-05-29 Itamar Ben-Gvir - Wikipedia.png (869x869, 858.22K)

is she pro government mandated gf or anti?

...Why are they like this?

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She’s jewish

I'm afraid she hasn't made her position clear on the issue.
well, the left wing which dominated the country in its early and even today is pretty ashkenazi dominated and (at least when the country was just in its early years) was very elitist towards the coming mizrahi & sephardi migrants. They aw them as uneducated boors, kinda like how in the UK london labour voters view the rural conservative voters , or how big city democrats view rural republicans in the US. The only real parties at the time who accepted them at the time and called for 'pan jewish' unity were right wing parties, specifically the begin's likud. So while these sort of interjewish identity politics don't really exist anymore and israel has sort of fullfilled its role as a melting pot, the scars from the past still remain to this day, and then you have all the pogroms which happened in MENA countries which were never recognized or even apologized for by said nations and you can see why they have at least a distaste (to put it mildly) towards arabs.

>well, the left wing which dominated the country in its early and
well, the left wing which dominated the country in its early days and*

That's interesting, what are your thoughts on Canaanism?

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Why is she so right-wing? There was a speech she did on the street years ago and she's screaming crazy stuff against Arabs. I can't find it on Youtube though.