Elliot Page BTFO!

Get's exposed as a groomer freak like all trannies by based Peterson

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Based Peterson.

Peterson is just attention seeking here. No one remembers who page is, zoomers have never heard of her.

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It's pretty much over for Peterson, he's too deep in the PragerU/Shapiro conservacuck circle. Whatever mainstream reach he had a few years ago is long gone

juden peterstein

In all fairness, this troon shouldn't be given any attention. It's what it actually wants in the first place

Did Peterson have an unironic crying session about this as well?

>white man pretend to have a "moral high ground"
many such cases.

Peterson cries all the time

I really like his lectures on symbolism in Christianity/early religion, and the basic clean your room concept is pretty healthy, but man did he go off the deep end after that.

Peterson's story arc is getting even more interesting

>I would have left her to groom people around her and be generally insane but she posted a topless picture of herself and that's where I draw the line
Is this guy retarded?

Jordy Peets might be the only person Ellen can win an argument against, he (female) should take this to debate level.

No, but he filmed that embarrassing video where ranted about his twitter ban. It was a classic case of a nerd trying to act like a tough guy

Isn’t Peterson just making her bigger? Ellen page was never some big star with influence. Her career is dead besides that Netflix show

If you actually followed him you'd know that he suffers from a serious immunity disorder and that's why he became irrelevant. Nothing to do with who he hanged out with.

they took this away from you

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>here’s the bloody thing about ellie’s chopped off man tits

Why would females have to chop off their tits and take testosterone anyways?
Tomboys has been accepted for years

My man needs to take a break from the internet

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Kek he’s right

why does he care about trannies so much
i bet he posts here

This. But he'll make more money. The people he now helps pander to are fat paypiggies just dying to consooom whatever products that circle is shilling.

>jordan peterson tells his remaining fanbase exactly what they want to hear

A perfect example for why I should have to consent before niggas are allowed to troon out.

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You can 100% know when someone's career is over, they get a slew of reaction videos on YT. Last year was the ginger manlet comedian who was in the Mandalorian


Jordan peterson is just a classic case of pic related. I don't know why he bothers, because he should be aware enough to know that saying such things gets you into a ditch that you can't get out of until it's too late. Should have stuck with college lectures and vlogs.

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he's a good psychologist, he just sucks at trying to be political

I feel like that's the cycle for every right winger.

The wall took it from her. Of course she had to become a tranny if no matter what she do, she can't look like that anymore.
It was the only option left. No one is going to hire an ugly and old woman like her.

This. She is a groomer/Pied Piper who needs to be gassed

will be funny when elleniot spirals out and acks in a way that everyone with a functioning brain can see coming.

Let's be real she'd been hitting the hormones long before coming out. Probably why she went fucking bald in the first place.

stfu tranny

lol can you get more jewish than pragerjew and lil benny?

Clean your room.
Read dostoevsky.
Re-attach your tits.

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Any right winger that turns mainstreams becomes cringe in some way. All these famous internet right wingers all eventually got accused of being too extreme or not extreme enough. Once they lured themselves as a weirdo or moron, the internet right abandoned them because they made them look bad and pulled out the controlled opposition excuse

>Ummm, excuse me, sweaty, you are ONLY allowed to associate with people I and my butt-buddies approve of if you want to have a career!
What kind of delusion is this? More exposure is more exposure.

I have never seen a tranny IRL

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That's because the media has gone full leftist now and censors people who hold even moderate views like Peterson, it's not so much that people stopped liking him

ive seen one. he was friendly. but still a man

This kills the grifter

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>rambles about Baal Hadad, Yam, Kaoskampf and starts bawling uncontrollably
Heh, nothing personel woke moralists

It's been ten fucking years and you troons are STILL seething about this guy, huh?

what did he say?

>dude JEEBUS

Kill yourself, christcuck.

Nice falseflag, but PragerU is actually based and supports individual liberty

This is the post scarcity communist cyberpunk future Floyd fought for

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oh he's mirrin

turning the world into trannies? oof, big yikes from me, my dude

Why are summerfags obsessed with this word?

is that what we're calling benzo addiction these days

My money is on her being abused at an early age in the industry, at first she went lesbian because of the trauma. Then she went tranny, to shed the person that was abused, if tranny wasn't a popular concept she probably would have done a Britney and shaved her head.

one of these two have brain damage and it ain't the tranny

I like him but his twitter ban rant was pretty embarrassing desu

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Peterson is a retarded hypocrite crybaby with full blown constant addiction issues

Clean your room is a good idea for your life, one that he consistently does not follow in any way. I’m supposed to take the advice and musings of a man who was so addicted to painkillers and benzos that he had to be put in a coma try to stop being a junkie? He said he drank orange juice or some shit and it triggered an immense feeling of dread for several weeks. He’s clearly unhinged

Also funny that he constantly says he’s going to quit Twitter and cannot help himself but to return to Twitter in less than a week every time. It’s kinda sad since he probably had a lot of merit when it comes to psychological concepts years ago, he’s a well educated man who has completely mind broken himself and become a degenerate addict constantly clout chasing

what if you have but you just didn't notice because they passed perfectly as a woman

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Reminder he cries about the destruction of masculinity in the west but petitioned his school to ban snowballs because his pussy son cried after losing a snowball fight.

>abused at an early age in the industry

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>but man did he go off the deep end after that.
Peterson's political comments and opinions are some of the safest, most milquetoast, most banal, most middle-of-the-road opinions a person could possibly have.
Do you unirinically consider challenging tranny insanity in modern Law instead of shutting up and kow-towing to them as "going off the deep end"?


Who's "they"?


it's not like his self-improvement, most middling IQ tier milquetoast bookstore act was really getting anywhere, especially after the mental/drug breakdown
he ramped it up but in all the wrong places/areas of the interwebs

Why does he look like pic related?

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You live in a basement and have no job so no shit.

I've once been introduced to what I at the time assumed was a manlet at a college party only for this person to send a long ass email about being a ftm tranny to everyone present.
Another time I saw an 185cm dude with a five o'clock shadow and gauche makeup dressed like a hoor.

I did just read brothers karamazov and it was incredible.
Gonna start solschenizyn soon.

Jordan Peterson is brave as fuck for standing up to the mob. I wish he didn't do it though, it's bound to break him.

>Fat Athitranny seething