Colonel, we are SG1

Colonel, we are SG1.

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what's the point of making this thread every day


Attached: GeorgeHammondConfused.jpg (700x393, 130.2K)

this but for basically every thread on Any Forums

ehhh.. I guess 2, 4, 3, 1. not particularly enthused about it tho

If you don't like SG1 you don't belong on Any Forums.

based goold poster

i like sg1 but this is just stupid

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found the redditor

found the gaiaonliner

it gives us comfort

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You from the agency?

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the OP barely matters to the thread anyways ,at least when it comes to SG threads

posting for hot tok'ra tits

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>SG-1, I'm here to save you!

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based and blessed

That is all.

Nightmare Sheppard was great

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Fucking Aschen, I swear...

one more

Attached: Ronon nightmare.webm (1852x1080, 2.95M)

Christina Cox is awfully hot for a black woman.

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