Find me a more jewish show

Find me a more jewish show.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm is pretty Jewish


watching those shows and enjoying them means you love jews

i love jews

FUCK FUCK FUCK I love jews

Man, why does everyone on this damn website have something against jews?

Imagine hating jews while still actively watching anything hollywood makes, honestly don't know how schizos do it

The Boys
Bojack Horseman
Saturday Night Live

You shouldn’t judge a whole group by a few individuals. Just because you like Larry David’s work doesn’t mean you have to like everything his particular ethnic group produces.


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Santa Inc

The Boys

every show is jewish.

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Erm... YIKES... they control the WORLD, kike! That means I hate every single one! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! Only a few Jew can be on the based Goyim squad, like Ben Shapiro. Remember that, sis!

You literally can't enjoy anything Hollywood makes while being an active antisemitic. Again, I don't know how schizos do it

I've seen neither and I love Jews.

I haven’t enjoyed anything Hollywood has made in over 10 years.

what's a non-jewish show?
>inb4 Muslim shows or Asian

I am indifferent for i am not a Any Forums chud

>disliking jews = "Any Forums chud"

Breaking Bad (mostly)
Better Call Saul (mostly)
True Detective
The Wire is surprisingly non-Jewed in certain areas

Jews are harmless goy- I mean guy, you shouldn't hate us- erm I mean them. Just remember to watch Thor Love and Thunder in theaters this weekend absorb its messages, but most of all just have fun.

Reminder that netflix greenlit this after just a reading of the script. They didn't even have a pilot made.

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