Black lives matter

black lives matter

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Learn to make webms if you're going to try to shit up the board with your poltard seething you fucking loser

Am I supposed to feel bad for this boomer? His generation stole my future.

Just the facts, black people commit the majority of assault, murder, robbery, etc.

How the fuck do you die from being hit by a traffic cone

bangbang nigga fuck out ma hood ya hurrrrr

Jigaboos be getting wild.

With all the over representation in media relative to their population, why do they still act this way?

Any Forums - Television & Film

Am I supposed to feel bad for niggers? Their generation has murdered hundreds of thousands of people in this country. So when I see a little nigger baby, I BLAME IT!

this, lay in the bed you chose, my generation didn't have a say in this.

How the fuck do you die from flu like symptoms? You have to be already on your way out

fuckin g niggers i swear

This is a video, so it was filmed.

"When blacks attacks: not being able to relax in contemporary America."

niggers belong in a zoo

Niggers always find a way to kill.

Why would those white kids do that?

This was on the Discovery Channel, right?

weirdest death for me is when some kids threw a tire a on a passerby from a roof

He was fucking 73 and likely suffered blunt force trauma to the head.

I doubt the soro's funded DA will even give them jail time, they will serve a few months and then be back on the street bringing diversity to everyone they meet.

>>his generation
>>he personally didn't do anything but fuck him.
I don't know what generation you're from but I'm sure it did something wrong, I hope you get killed tonight.


>"I don't understand how those 14 yo children could be out at 2 o'clock in the morning"
They were buying subs with Sussie

Same way you can die from a punch. You fall over and hit your head on the concrete.