HBO is developping an Elder Scrolls Series set in the late Merethic Era and early First Age

I don't where this Netflix stuff came from. But HBO beat out Amazon on a deal for the Elder Scrolls television rights. Some of the crew from Game of Thrones will be working on it.

It's not a video game story adaption, it's an adaption of the Merethic Era and First age, it begins in the late Merethic era and goes on to feature the early first era, it will focus on The early Nords, Nedes, Chimer, early Yokudan scouts,Dwemer. There won't be that many Khajiit or Argonians because most of it is set in what will become Skyrim, Morrowind, High Rock/Northern Tamriel.

Scandinavian actors will be sought for the Nords

Irish,, Scottish, Welsh actors for the Nedes

African and African American and black English actors for the Yokudans.

MENA actors for the Dwemer,

White and Mena actors for the Chimer.

I know for a fact Miraak will be in the series.
A main character is a Nede Warrior from what will become the Reach, he finds a teenage Snow Elf/Falmer girl who survived both the Nords and Dwemer. Last of US Elder Scrolls I guess.

The early Chimer politics will be explored.

You will see plenty of familiar figures

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>You will see plenty of familiar figures
and they'll all be kingz and queenz

Sounds like shit, doubt it’ll get a big enough budget to actually be good

Guarantee right out of the gate that all blacks won't be a Hammerfell Redguard. I don't even want to think about what they will do to dark elves.

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If I know one thing about cinema, it's that video game adaptations are top quality Oscar-bait. If this doesn't get awards I will turn in my premium account

>late Merethic Era and early First Age
I don't know what that is and I don't care. The whole point of the Skyrim franchise (yes, everything else doesn't matter) is to mod your game and make it lewd. If those assholes think they can make a good series about it they're mistaken.

ser... gm (good morning) ser

Can't wait to see all the niggers they plan to pack the cast with.

The correct thing to adapt is Tiber Septim's rise to power
Not least because it's a story of a young Dragonborn so you get all the marketing crack of having your lead scream FUS RO DAH and fighting dragons.

Although I'm sure there will suddenly be a whole lot more Redguard in his inner circle than any of the histories we have about him make reference to...

Tolkien was wrong, Chud. Seethe more

That's the thing they can have niggers without pissing people off. Redguards are all black, so they can just shove them into that, now if for some reason they make a black nord, then they are literally looking to racebait.

Well at least the diverse races won’t be so forced. Unless they make some nords black or bretons asian etc.

That's why I think this is bull shit. There's a zero percent chance they'll get the green light from tranny attack dogs and kike financers to make 'race war, the show', and MIX MIX MIXING! with shit like cholo nords and smoove negro dwemer would melt the audiences brains with unfathomable cultural appropriation mental gymnastics that they'd be so distracted they couldn't even focus on the show.

This shits not getting made in: current year climate.

Then stop using his work. Pretty problematic desu.

You know they won't do that. Same with LOTR. They could have just made the beast men or MAYBE some of the Southrons niggers, but nope. Elves. Can't wait to see the first nigger ent.

Back to Hell with you, Satan. Nude mods are cancer for 12 year-olds.

>I don't even want to think about what they will do to dark elves.
You n'word!

Please stop raping the video games I used as a child and young man to distance and console myself from a world that saw me as an outcast by making them into live action garbage. I beg you please stop.

Where there are shekels to be had, you can be certain someone is sniffing around...

They're going to turn Alessia into a yas queen aren't they

Real reddit moment