Confess. What's your most controversial Any Forums opinion

Confess. What's your most controversial Any Forums opinion.

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I don't really like cunny I just like that it makes a lot of people angry and spaz out for literally no reason

The MCU was always shit.

Stranger Things is just nostalgia b8

Prince of Persia is kino! And I want to fuck that MC girl that I forgot the name

I thought that Solo was just a few changes away from being a very good movie. And even the movie we got is much better than the borefest that is Rogue One.

I dont even own a television, and I think that's ok.

Citizen Kane was novel for its time but is not a masterpiece.

I don't believe acting is real, I think actors are just robots who are programmed to read from a script kind of like those conversation bots online

Fellini and Bergman are overrated as fuck

Reminder all nu wars is faggot shit

I think Millie is HOT and not walled.

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BR2049 is the ultimate filter. If you liked this pretentious bloated overly long piece of shit I automatically know you're a desperate autist and will not engage at any level with you.

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I'm a Star Warsfag, I think trekkies are nice people.

if you can't enjoy Disney or Marvel, maybe there's something wrong with you and not the other way around

I never liked The Godfather, Taxi Driver or Apocalypse Now

based, the new bimbo look is kino

That's incredibly sad.

I don't care for Arrival, 2049, or Dune

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GoT was never good
The last season of breaking bad sucked
Succesion sucks
The young pope sucks
Scorsese is a hack
Hitchcock is a hack
The goose has been in zero good movies
Nolan sucks ass
Tarantino sucks ass
Twin peaks the return is the best thing to ever air during our lifetime

I can't remember the last movie I saw in a theater, and that's OK.

Prequels are an absolute waste of time. I've had enough of this shit. If a franchise's story does not advance forward in time, it's filler and not worth watching.

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La La Land was pretty good. Goose was the worst part, ironically.

Scarface is boring.
Edgar Wright movies are annoying.
Xmen 1 and 2 suck.

I dont hate women. I just say I do to cope with the fact that women are uninterested in me because I'm creepy

So you wouldn't watch a film set in Heaven?

i think the nice guys is the best goose movie

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ghost dog would have been better as a straightforward gangsta hood film instead of weeaboo shit

Martin Scorsese is a jobber who sucks at his job.

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Reddit is better for actual discussion.