Why is she so ugly?

Why is she so ugly?

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Dios mio

>release date aug 21
Until then I will be nuked twice by Russia, I live next to Ukraine.

Pretty brave to cast someone with Down's Syndrome. As a m2f I feel like the show is inclusive to me. Needs more PoCs tho, Tolkien was wrong about the demographics in his fantasy world.

Wasn't she supposed to be very beautiful?

looks fingolian

Down syndrome.
Fitting since Targs are supposed to be degenerate incest babies.

she's kinda hot, she's kinda monke

Based monke enjoyer.

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At her peak she was regarded as the hottest woman in the 7 realms but she later became bitter and thick and consumed by evil fatty rage

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according to whom? George doesn't write anymore.

He wrote that historical tome thing in 2018

>according to whom

You realize this isn't the first time the Dance has gotten lore right? She lost her beauty because she seethed and brooded. The normies won't survive her getting eaten by Sunfyre.

I thought she was kinda cute from that Aussie outback show I saw advertised with her in it but she looks fucking awful with the blonde hair. Especially when it what we were supposed to get.

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What's with the buck teeth lmao

I don't think they would show that scene in all it's violent glory.

It's the climax of the entire story and the final encounter between the two protagonists

The film adaption of the red wedding had a pregnant woman being stabbed to death user. Idt edgy is something something are repelled by.

They look okay to me desu.

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Pretty severe overbite.

Why don't anglos use dentists?

bitch looks like she's about to bite the photographer

Such a great change, absolutely the perfect gut wrench moment to kick off the whole event even if the change of Robb's getting oneitis for some random mutt from the isles instead of being manipulated by one of Tywin's lesser houses into dishonouring their daughter, thus forcing him to marry her, was a huge shame.

la goblinx latinx

Shows for women don't have any attractive women in them because female brains register someone prettier than them as a threat.

Also female entertainment only has male nudity or shirtless scenes, women remain fully clothed at all times.

reminder that GRRM parodies how in IRL history everyone would always talk about how monarchs were the most attractive person ever even if they looks like inbred monsters. it's not actually important that a character he reputed as attractive IS attractive unless they're like Dany and are literally sold as fucktoys.

Rhaenyra relied on seduction and her sex appeal to build a following at court, so she should be at least passable.

>Shows for women don't have any attractive women in them

this is partly the case, but it's actually also a recent push: the entertainment industry has made a genuine effort to start casting female roles based on acting ability because they've discovered it's actually a better guaranteur of quality. so they look less like models as everything is on a bell curve and you're not normally going to get both at once.

dont know. cant put my finger on it

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that's a social skill thing too though

Maybe she did.

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Her face looks so fucking dry

She needs lotion or moisturizer or something.

Blacks or Greens?