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>black Ponyo
Hehe swimming
>black Spirited Away
Hehe learning discipline and hard work and selflessness
>black Mononoke
Would absolutely be labeled as racist for depicting her as a savage
>black Kiki

>Howl’s Stolen Bicycle

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>black kiki
being employed lol

Making Asian people into Africans is kinda racist.

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and its everything

This is racist. They need more black defining features as the Japanese idea of "cute" is based on western colonialism.

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>the Japanese idea of "cute" is based on western colonialism.

this is itself racist. Japanese people draw Japanese people exactly as they imagine themselves, not as causasian.

Why do black people want other people to represent their culture?
Seriously, I don't see this with Asians or any other minority? Never once has Disney remade a film with 'more Polish representation'.
Are they literally so racist that they can't enjoy a film or series another culture makes unless someone in it is black?

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>Shoplifted Away

Blackwashing again
How can they keep getting away with it? This is problematic.


Ghibli was an unapologetic europhile, but for a Europe before any diversity blight. People instinctively love his movies because they invoke a time and place that is beautiful and yet out of reach. Detractors criticize ghibli because they recognize his aesthetic appeal is incredibly reactionary.

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More like Gibsme

Adding black people to anime ruins the escapism

>Japanese people draw Japanese people exactly as they imagine themselves
And how they imagine themselves in drawings change dramatically when America forced them to open their borders and again when America forced them to become a colony.

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Avatar the Last Airbender is made by white people for white people with white characters and yet it's 100% about Asian representation now

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This is everything
Straight bussy on fire no cap
On God

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