What's up with all the mcu hate lately?

What's up with all the mcu hate lately?

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People are tired of capeshit. Formulaic, shitty CGI, and mass produced like the goyslop it is.

It is the very definition of quantity > quality.

The capeshit era died after Endgame and people are sick of it

partially this but also without RDJ and the actors/characters people liked replaced with nobodies the entire genre is exposed for how thin it is. Batman will go back to be the only superhero consistently getting media because he can be used in more typical action/adventure movies that aren’t the same saving the world cgi battle every time.

The cultural momentum has dissipated and normies now feel comfortable saying what was plainly obvious all along, that Marvel movies are almost entirely mediocre, instead of going with what they presumed was the popular opinion

They continued it after Endgame, and instead of doing smaller scale, they brought a whole multiverse shit into it.
Also having the tv shows be important to the movies dont help much either since its starting to be too much busy work keeping up

Why don't you stop sucking mouse cock you retarded gay cunt.

Spider-Man will probably also keep getting media.


Kek imagine not hating capeshit as a default

adult disney fans and MCU fans are the same people. when i was in the military half the people there had captain america shields tattooed on their bodies. i saw more than one Punisher Mickey Mouse tattoo

Instead of introducing X-Men they're wasting everyone's time with endless movies and tv shows about some z-list nobodies.

yeah that’s true, he will too. But more traditional Spider-Man stories and not tie ins to Avengers, he will be in NYC the whole time again I would imagine.

Endgame was a satisfying conclusion and an opportunity to make a graceful exit off the stage
Continuing to develop this universe is just pathetic


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>good vs evil story
>good guys win in the end
it's almost like we live in a world dominated by religious people

Are you posting this from 1910?


Sony has set themselves up for some kino if they dont fuck up how they handle shit after No Way Home

do you think judaism isn't a religion?

The sleepers are waking up.

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is not hate but exhaustion
>must throw jokes all the time
>everything must be connected including the tv series
>z-list superheroes who aren't popular but are pushed to be so
>cgi galore
>from taling a superheri movie serious to fullblown comedy, god forbid the (man)children have to watch a sad moment