How hard is it to be tall?

How hard is it to be tall?

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>I want to fuck the 10/10 foreign chad but have to fuck the guy who is likely my soulmate that's shorter than me AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SAVE ME NETFLIX

I'm 6'4" and it's amazing, no clue what's it's like for women though.

It's like being a short man.

This bait is infuriating.

i'm 6'3 and i would kill for a 6'+ gf

I was staying with a female friend the for the weekend the other week. And the amount of schlop women watch is actually insane.
>gossip girl, Bridgerton, new girl, etc
And they just watch it all in one weekend and then rewatch it again ever couple weeks. What the actual fuck is wrong with women?

The dude in the top right appears to be at least as tall as she is if not taller. Why doesn't she just date him?

Tall guys don’t date tall women

Yeah they do. I’m over 6ft and tall chicks are the best

post feet


I don't know but I want gf taller than me. I am 185cm.

I'm 5'8" and want an Amazon wife to carry me around

Its just jealousy because they're not graceful or cute like the other girls, and it limits their dating options

No it isn’t.
Go to any forum or subreddit for tall women and half of the posts are them complaining about manlets trying to date them.

>going on a forum like that
>surprised when they're shallow, unhappy cunts

Attached: 1637937312329.png (1200x768, 322.69K)

This is a meme image bro, that suicide post was from a different sub

t. Reddit expert

Sure, but go to r/short. Most of the women are posting about how tall their boyfriends are and most the men are whining about getting mogged by taller guys. Maybe you’ll find a couple posts by women who have a short BF but those are rare and only get upvoted because a bunch if manlets are vicariously living through the shorter BF.