Will Hollywood ever embrace the over-the-top absurdism of Bollywood action films?

Will Hollywood ever embrace the over-the-top absurdism of Bollywood action films?

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when's the Any Forums approved list of bollywood essential viewing


You don’t know what absurdism is. Not at all how I (or anyone else frankly) would think to describe this kino

Words can have multiple meanings ESL

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it doesn't work

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Fast and Furious

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It's Tollywood, man
Believe me I wish it didn't make a difference but it does
Movie of the year any dumb motherfucker thinking this is oajeets shilling is missing out
watch this motherfucker

pic related is all I know about South asian culture

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Not that user but the action is not "intentionally" over-the-top because pajeets do not understand the concept of "the top". Like kids who think giant robots fighting dinosaurs in space is a completely reasonable scenario, pajeets take the action in these movies at face value, it's not satire or anything. You cannot make the same movie in the west because it requires western directors to make ridiculous action unironically, which they have too much self awareness to do.

There are other Tollywood movies worth seeing, especially from this same director, but there is only one you NEED tonelsee, and that's RRR
It's free on Netflix, don't not skip it
I'm serious, this shit is spectacular

Good morning

>intentionally ridiculous or bizarre behavior or character
Literally not a part of the movie at all.
>the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe
Again, not in the movie.
Maybe learn what the words you use mean before you use them m’retard?

No. Scott Pilgrim attempted some of this, and it bombed in theaters. These corporations wont allow something to come out that isnt field tested over and over and will make at least 100m after Hollywood accounting. Hollywood is just accounting fraud, Bollywood is people making movies for fun and money.

DDLJ, lagaan, and om Shanti om

Agreeing with you:
Scott Pilgrim flopped, this is the second highest grossing movie of all time in India and the 4th highest grossing Indian movie worldwide
If you make a great product, people will respond to it

Maybe kill yourself

you can't make a post like this and not deliver us some juicy bollywood WEBMs

Can’t relate to your desire for suicide, I’m not some fucking idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, like you.
Just do it. No one will miss you.

>Can’t relate to your desire for suicide, I’m not some fucking idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, like you. Just do it. No one will miss y- ACK

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