Reddit masculinity

Reddit masculinity

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ok what are some masculine Any Forums characters?

why do you keep shilling your homesite in every thread, OP?

Mel Gibson

>chad, tall, white, filmmaker, actor, and man of christ that isn't afraid to name the jew irl
>Any Forums
thanks for the chuckle, user

Any Forums's concept of masculinity seems to be directly tied to stoicism.

Reddit masculinity on the other hand is putting on the façade of masculinity but at the end of the day allowing yourself to be controlled and manipulated by the whims of women and society.

Charles Bronson in Deathwish. Clint Eastwood in his various roles. Schwarzenegger in Conan.


not a character, retard. hes just a person

Any Forums masculinity reporting in

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none of these guys are fat autistic incels who shit their pants at the sight of a woman

Gibson is a based manlet

unironically any trannie character in western media

He is.

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See when I think of "putting on a facade of masculinity" I think of pic related

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Reddit is anything but libertarian user...

stoicism is slave morality and isnt the same as the adjective stoic fyi.
also neither sect of internet kids have any real concept of masculinity.

I think Ron Swanson is about as good of an example kids are going to get from Hollywood. He was able to respect and work and eventually become best buds with someone that thought in a manner completely different than his own. In the end, he was still a hardworking/do it yourself libertarian, but worked to help enrich the one's around him that he loved, and not just be some kind of doomer.

rent free faggot

The entire premise of the show was he needed to capitulate to Leslie who was his intellectual and moral superior. He became a good guy by constantly compromising on his ideology and beliefs

Ryan Gosling being a real hero and a real human bean


And instead of being the wild and free man loving the wrong people (Tammy and Tammy) who did nothing but take advantage of him, he found love in frens, and a good woman. Him compromising, lead to healthy relationships.

>Any Forums “masculinity”

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It's more like this

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>Any Forums "masculinity"

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