What a waste

What a waste.

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>dies an unsatisfying death without a completed arc, or any arc at all. Just to say that somebody “important” died in the finale
Probably the worst written episodes in the entire series

i would be fine with it if they didn't build up tension with his schizophrenia.

Did you rike it?

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He will be back in S4

shitting up the board again. I GO APESHIT FOR CAPESHIT

But I won't be. The show fucking sucks.

>previous episode: dedicate most of the episode to him
>next episode: kill him
who's idea was this? fucking hacks.

Why the fuck is that annoying faggot Frenchie still alive?

>Budget cuts
>The black on is the first to go
What did Vought mean by this.

HES NOT FUCKING DEAD. You goyim are so gullible. They already did one of these fake out deaths with him and his peanut allergy. He'll show up next season in a hospital and then they'll probably fake kill him again and again as a running gag. Then we'll find out they're all clones

why so mad

Idk man im kinda hungover

If that's the case that's even worse, because then his character becomes entirely le ebin "you thought he was dead?" bait and switch

I hear that.

I actually quite liked homelander in this scene.

Nothin wrong with that

I say this as a Jewish man: Fuck Seth Rogen he's an insufferable kike piece of shit and I hope he chokes on his le ebin 420 joint.

I hope they bring a new version of him back just so they can reveal him as a Homelander clone.

*makes a crappy tv show out of every comic book he read in the late 2000's*

The pure hate I feel for Seth Rogen is part of what keeps me going through everyday life

if he survived that huge explosion at the start of season 2 why can't he survive this?

his actor won’t be returning next season

>mfw remembering I have a 85% chance of celebrating his death

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>the faceless character won't be played by the actor we saw in a flash-back

It really was. The way Butcher turned on Soldier Boy and teamed up with Homelander was the most contrived Marvel-tier bullshit so far in show.

Should've kept the original plotline.
>inb4 it's stooooopid
That's the point.

Yeah just do the story from the comics and have him do all sorts of depraved evil shit and ultimately kill Homelander and his faggot son

Not only that, the flashback actor young version is a different guy than the one that plays him in current day.