What the fuck happened to her

What the fuck happened to her

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Some women pay the toll in one huge lump sum. Others pay slowly over time starting with the interest.

she ONLY looks good in uncut gems
pretty sure that goblin mode meme was making fun of her

>Used up whore
>Hits wall
How shocking.

>this is a 30 year old woman

covid brain

Bitch looking like a DBZ villain. For real tho she lost too much weight after having a kid.

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Money + fame = drug fueled parties = coke addiction = lose weight due to not eating properly and just doing coke 24/7.

what the fuck

she’s a heroin addict

we have 20 year old women hitting the wall now it’s incredible


This, fpbp.

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Millie Brown and Billie Eyelash hit the wall at like 14-15

Is this real?

Oh God looks like Tara Reid

she went goblin mode

Veganism and cocaine?

Jesus man

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>mfw women's magazines said her losing weight while dating Kanye was a great thing
So losing weight bad when you're a fat ugly cunt... except when the weight actually suits you, then losing weight is a great thing and an example to be followed?

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She's such a fucking degenerate lmao

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Didn't sam hyde pay her to be his gf for a day to troll idubs

the wall spares noone.

It's over.

goblin body

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She looks 50, that's insane