Only post ITT if you're ELITE and have a SICK HANDLE

Only post ITT if you're ELITE and have a SICK HANDLE

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What are tomboy gfs like?

Hack the planet!

Bags of sandy salt coin milk.

They take charge in bed and peg your little boy pussy.

Jokes on you I don't have an ass

i'm not elite but i have a sick handle

They have hacking contests with you and if they win they make you wear a dress

Honestly not that fun. There’s a dynamic feminine women have that tomboys don’t. A tomboy gf feels like hanging out whereas a feminine gf feels like actual romance.

How in the fuck did this English faggot manage to secure and wife up Angelina Jolie in her absolute prime, over making a movie as goofy as fuckin' Hackers?

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i wish i had one of these gee efs or whatever they are called

He was the lead in one of her first big roles. I mean the woman swapped blood with Billy Bob Thorton. She has no standards clearly.

i kinda want to get copies of all the books that zero cool has to identify at the club, just to keep on my coffee table

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Especially the ugly red book that won't fit on a shelf.

Mid nineties really was the best time to be alive.

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I am l337 and my handle is Serial Rapist.

This. Unfornately this site is filled with nostalgic late mallienials that don't realize the early 2000s was the absolute worst and when everything turned to shit.

He was le edgy Scottish charming boyfriend.
Ang, as an female murrican would be attracted to his background and see him as exotic and based.

1337 |-|@X0r! Can you beat the system first try, everytime?

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Reminder every guy born after 1989 is a faggot or a cuck

This. You're on fire today.

My hacker name is John Galbani

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