Fuck this shit. He’s a cultist, a closeted fag, and may I repeat supports A FUCKING CULT...

Fuck this shit. He’s a cultist, a closeted fag, and may I repeat supports A FUCKING CULT. Taika is giving us star wars kino later on and is blatantly having fun with the new thor and insulting capeshitters and reddit doesn’t understand the movie, basically. It’s fucking kino. Don’t let jewish american military crap win when some based flick about european mythology lead by an aryan chad could win the BO for summer. Fuck top gun.

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gonna go see top gun again because of this post

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>lead by an aryan chad
If you want to go Any Forums and make it about race I'm pretty sure Thor is more diverse than Top Gun.

Scientology is a less fucked up cult than the lgbt mafia taika’s controlled by

Why don't you chill with your schizo strawmans and evaluate the movie istelf. Maverick was a horrible movie, as a movie. It was disjointed and often didn't make sense. Why the fuck is the Jennifer Connelly character even in the movie? Maverick has a lot of real faults you could be calling out instead of crying like a child.

Based. Thor is the chads movie. Tom is a fading star soon to become irrelevant, he should be begging to do an MCU movie as iron man.

Cope marvelfags

rlm tier midwit spotted
>it was disjointed because... well it just was
Just repeating words you hear youtube critics say doesn’t automatically create a criticism.

Pity you can't name a single fault and just repeat typical buzzwords

>He’s a cultist, a closeted fag, and may I repeat supports A FUCKING CULT.
Scientology is great moral charity compared to what other celebs are into, you naive redditor.

Considering you're a leftist, you're all those things too, and are additionally a child rapist.

Disney shills on suicide watch. Gonna see minions instead of Thor, and watch top gun a 3rd time

Marvel/Disney support the LGBT cult and you don't bat a fucking eye

I prefer his cult over multikult

When did people on this website lose the ability to write proper bait lmao

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I still haven’t seen it. Should I go see it?

typical cuckservative rhetoric. yes, a group of people wanting to love eachother with their own consent in their own private lives is the same as some massively wealthy organised institution which goes around murdering, harassing and scamming people. 100% REMINDER fascism relies on your enemy being weak and strong because it’s all based around inconsistent retarded fear mongering. so LGBT are simultaneously weak, mentally ill and prone to suicide while also being more powerful than the church somehow and a huge threat. makes my blood boil thinking about how every word spat out your bloated fat little chud lips is just pure fucking irrationality and lies to justify lizard brain hatred of others. never watching this shitty dudebro 80IQ action movie about planes by the way, lmfao. if anything it’s success like transformers or any other capeshit tells you how lowest common denominator it actually is. thor at least will be fun and won’t take itself SO FUCKING SERIOUSLY like how this ageing manlet does

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Stop reading there, kill yourself

So you read most of my post? Nice.

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fags lmao

>someone typed all of this

Incel rage moment.

>He’s a cultist, a closeted fag, and may I repeat supports A FUCKING CULT
All of Hollywood supports a cult, at least he doesn't shove it down your throat

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it's a fun movie with heartwarming moments and great action. it's a little cheesy at times, but it shares that with original, which it pays homage to with respect and care. if you liked the original, you'll like maverick. and even if you didn't like the original, the action scenes alone are worth seeing, imo.

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404 argument not found

405 sex not found

lmfao, if you saw my ass you’d know how much sex I get