Society owes me a loving gf

Society owes me a loving gf.

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what if she was fat and ugly and loudmouth and dumb and poor? but she loved you

I can't love a fat, unhealthy person. I take good care of myself and have never been fat, is it too much to ask that my partner is the same?


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societies debt would be paid, and this neet incel would hate his life even more.

Prove it.

>I'm a well-adjusted, functioning member of society capable of normal human interaction, is it too much to ask that my partner is the same?
t. all women that don't want you

I am
- intelligent
- charismatic
- witty
- rather handsome (7.5/10 on a good day)
- athletic
- lean and muscular
- learnt
- decent job
- healthy
- not autistic and can hold social life stuff pretty well
-humble and empathetic

so I demand at least the same from a loving partner

I found my wife by being invited to BP engineer parties, she was so fucking weird and awkward I had to train her to stop being a dork and take care of her appearance.

>I'm super fucking handsome and in good shape and smart guys trust me
>I just somehow can't figure out how get someone to fuck me
Kek, sure

Beggars can't be choosers. Maybe all the lonely fit loving women want a guy who doesn't complain on Any Forums?

you keep making fun of him, but I wonder, will you feel bad for the people he will shot down in cold blood the day he finally snaps? I wonder

You sound like a cuckold, training your wife to be a good cum rag for other men

hopefully she will eventually leave your soi ass and fuck the chad she deserves, fucking loser

you sound like a homosexual seething that women won't fuck him because you just want to get fucked by men

I am a mixed bag of these but I'm either socially inept, autistic, or a mixture of the two because I cannot for the life of me talk to anybody properly or approach someone to have a conversation

This but unironically.

Probably, yeah. Would suck to get shot by a hypocrite loser that couldn't deal with how much of a loser he is. Thankfully I carry a gun myself and advocate for people to carry guns too in case a loser like that appears.

well, maybe just stop being an incel and hating women, you freak

nice blogpost fagboy

so much seethe in this post

>gun carrier

kek. You are the first beta loser and it's funny that you don't see it. Angry dicklet. No one but other angry men think gun faggots are cool

ur my gf now, bitch

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oh fuck, next mass shooter is posting here and going to be used to take our guns...again.

Any Forums???? television & film??????????????????????????????

I have a wife and two kids lmao
But whatever helps you cope


Alright. I'm going out to buy an assault rifle

Nice diary entry, faggot.

>humble and empathetic

If you were truly these things you wouldn't have typed this post. I can almost guarantee any empathy, kind words and good deeds you do for others is merely so you can be rewarded by them later or thought of as a better person than you are. Seek God

Reported, see ya chud. Enjoy federal prison

no you don't

I do. It may be hard to believe, but not everyone on Any Forums is a seething leftist incel

See ya in your local Walmart

doing the right thing in my favorite RPG game usually gets me rewarded with either coin or a magical weapon.

I'm not concerned with whether someone on a zimbabwean basek weaving website thinks I'm cool or not, that's not what carrying a gun is for. I'm concerned with protecting my life and the life of people I hold dear. Maybe you would understand if you had a gf to care about.