Why cant the left be this kino?

why cant the left be this kino?

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So kino it destroyed not only it's own movement, but modern right-wingers in general. Bravo.

Fucking tiki torches lmao

i prefer the remake

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Unemployment parade lmao

The fuck is this clownfiesta?

Its called 'American right wing'

Why is a black guy there? Uncle Tom ass nigga

That girl is kind of thicc, tho.

Democrats were so hard pressed to find non-trannies they had to get a negro to play the part of a white supremacist.

it was bad optics. Especially compared to the boomer revolt on Jan.6
kakis an tiki torches < q shaman and fat cuckservatives

the lincoln project is retarded. But their regeneron comercial was peak kino.

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Apt comparison, since that little stunt was the last nail in McAuliffe's coffin.

"Christmas came early."

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Theres a webm i had had saved but lost, a crowd of the fuctards are tearing down a statue, the exact moment part of the statue comes down on a guys head, i mean literaly crushing him to death, the whole crowd cheers
It was so fucking priceless, like it was directed
Anyone still got it, its fucking hilarious

Not crushed. Scalped. Whole video is on youtube and the best part is it was a bunch of white "allies" who dropped it on him.

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seems kinda dangerous, lotta smoke

It dosent realy work the same without sound, but fuck me its funny
Im sure theres a version with a vider angle tho

>movement starts to form around backlash to increasingly woke SJW cultural trends and political agendas in the west
>stormniggers co-opt it and ruin the entire fucking thing to try to resurrect the confederacy

Great job dickholes. We were actually winning and you fucking dipshits thought tiki-torches was a great visual.

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please we just want healthcare

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We can't have healthcare because America is full of white landwhales and minorities

looks cool

thats a bullshit lie, if people are too fat then stop feeding them crap. not an excuse to not have healthcare. here's a hint, they're financially motivated to give you cancer.

What are these people even protesting, blacks on tv?

Leftists have literally nothing to run on, nothing to cling on, and nothing to look forward to, that they need to dredge up the greatest hits to make themselves feel better.


>ats a bullshit lie, if people are too fat then stop feeding them crap
You cant stop people from making their own choices in regards to diet, you fucking dumb bitch. We banned alcohol in this country once. How did that work out?

>The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park.

People are free to eat the crap, your country is founded on freedom.

This should just come with the understanding that if you eat the crap, you don't get free healthcare.

people can make their own choices, but we can't make the cheapest and most accessible food the unhealthiest. we should have regulations against seed oils, dyes, and other cancer causing ingredients. If you need more information on how this works, look at canada where they literally did that. They're financially incentivized to keep people healthy, not to give them cancer.

lately it feels like even Any Forums is mocking the American right
is there no safe place left?

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you can do whatever you want, but you're still stuck with the cities you created
american cities didn't even need to be bombed to the ground you did it yourselves

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you do know cville was a massive cringefest that killed any upward momentum the far right had at the time?

What, no controlled opposition or undercover CIA/fed excuse?

there's the sharty and KC. leftists make threads occasionally but they always get bullied and can't spam their shit

I mean you're right, but they'll never go for it because the prices would explode if food was required to all be organic and we swapped from canola oil/cottonseed oil to olive or coconut oil

Ameriwhales would literally riot