Yennefer of Call Center

>Yennefer of Call Center

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>Yennefer of Vishnuburk

Geralt, do the needful.. I mean she's hot and all, but not a Yennefer.

Yennefer would have to be an milf, not a teenage girl

Why are people still pretending she's not hot?

>its a fringilla episode...

She could (and should) have been hotter (and whiter) and you know it.

>Yennefer would have to be an milf
Read the books. All the witches look young.


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i will redeem for she

This. She's fucking fine

The actress is good and hot as fuck. Would you prefer some slightly paler actress who gave a dogshit performance and didn't do the character justice?

She's absolutely hot, she's just not Yen

>mean she's hot
How low are your standards? She looks like she's smeared with shit.

Yeah of course, it just wouldn't be POSSIBLE to have a whiter actress give the same or better performance, it's literally IMPOSSIBLE.

I'd prefer if writing wasn't so fucking awful. They could cast all niggers they want if plot made any fucking sense. The show would be better

Not what I said at all. You sound low IQ and angry. Maybe go shit up a different thread

To be fair I only watched S1 and she was good in that. Haven't got around to S2 too many other kinos. Guessing it's not worth watching?

she's not remotely "hot as fuck". she's not obese, that's it. you would never cast her as anything but a background character if you weren't politically motivated to deliberately cast drab or ugly people in lead roles. IN FACT, she's below the level of attractiveness of a background character of non-hateful shows like Hercules or Xena. man, Hercules is just an endless parade of 10s. really makes you sad to see what we've lost. and makes you realized how fucking raped in the head (You) unironically are for thinking this absolute garbage is "hot as fuck".

I'm not reading all of that

I just liked her tits.
They kept them covered in S2.

There are many kinds of fags with questionable taste on this board, but pooniferfags puzzle me the most. There's absolutely no redeeming qualities in this cast. She doesn't look like Yennifer, worse, she's a fucking Indian, yet they eat this shit up and ask for more.

S1 was 4/10 for me. S2 is much, MUCH worse.

Ol' Piranha Jaw

read THIS

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She's a solid 6-7/10, but Yennefer is supposed to be a 10/10 porcelan-white, raven-haired beauty, not some girl next door pajeeta.

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>She's a solid 6-7/10, but Yennefer is supposed to be a 10/10 porcelan-white, raven-haired beauty, not some girl next door pajeeta
there is not a chance that someone who speaks like this is under 300lb

Yen in the games is not a 10/10 lmfao get better taste

>Would you prefer some slightly paler actress who gave a dogshit performance and didn't do the character justice?

She's fucking terrible as Yen lol. She comes off as a try hard instead of a natural alpha bitch.