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she turned 16 yesterday

>main plot is about saving and protecting her
Thanks for making me root for extinction filmmakers


is she still a virgin?

Yeah she's a virgin to white cock

I hated her character. I don't hate her actor. Every character in this movie came across as an inauthentic caricature.
What happened to writers? All the characterizations and dialogue were terrible. I rolled my eyes no fewer than a dozen times watching this movie and I almost never roll my eyes at anything. The one I remember involving her is when she takes Chris Pratt's 'raised hand trainer pose' when the three of them are trying to recapture Blue's kid. Who comes up with that and thinks it's a good scene? It was a stupid pose to begin with but they keep emphasizing it, trying to make it iconic or something I guess. Even the original Indiana Jones trilogy had forced iconic moments like this, which is why that trilogy was also derivative inauthentic garbage, but at least it wasn't as low effort as this.
Hated they made literally who Dodgson into Jobs/Musk/Zuckerberg hybrid supervillain ala Don't Look Up, not that these people don't deserve contempt, it was just a lazy way about it and now regular autistic and socially awkward nerds are just going to be dunked on again until the next half-century progressiveness cycle while contributing 0 effective change against the current billionaire magnates. Just a fucking dumb movie all around.
They squandered so much potential with Dr Henry Wu, had so much potential to make him into a GOAT Carmen Sandiego-esque villain in the first two movies of the new trilogy, if they did, his redemption ending would have been way more effective. His character was the most interesting and least annoying one in all the new movies.

why do you hate white children?

I'm jewish

Why do white people call girls food?


Should I report this under "this user is underage"?

uuuuooooohhhhhhhhh !!!

I saw her 12 year old version with braces yesterday, too bad I was eoth my friends cause I wouldnt have stop watching her otherwise

>dooms the human race because muh feelings
>no one beats the living shit out of her

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Who is this and what kino?

what about her adoptive mom? she was responsible and doesnt care one bit

So you are jannies little bitch?

Weakest jurassic franchise film yet

Looks like Liana Liberato

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learn to spell

I wish she'd be as active as Liana on IG

needs correction

this cgi looks good

Stop that