The kid is a fag

>the kid is a fag
>The kid's teacher is a fag...just totally coincidence
>the kid's Dad is... also a fag

The astronomical numbers that needed for all of this to occur is 1:12000000000000

and fags really believe this is just daily life for the rest of us?

Attached: cmbyncover.0.jpg (1200x800, 157.39K)

Need a sequel where Armie return and cannibalize Timothée

>the kid's Dad is... also a fag
Isn't there a bit of a genetic predisposition to being gay? It's pretty common for stuff like this to be passed down from parent to kid

The dad isn't gay and Elio and Oliver are either bi, or maybe just experimenting but ultimately straight. It was written by a straight man. There aren't really any unambiguously gay characters in cmybn.

>It was written by a straight man
closet homopedo

If he really was he could have just written about an actual pederastic relationship. He could have made Elio 14 or maybe even younger. Books like that are still published. He chose to make Elio above the age of consent.

The dad is definitely gay with his admiration for the statues and his speech at the end. I agree that Elio and Oliver are bi.

degenerate sodomites

1 in 6 zoomers report having homosexual fantasies or relations btw. It's really not that odd of a scenario. A lot more improbable shit has happened irl

Being gay in 80s Italy is a vibe.

Exactly. Most people aren't gay, but it's not uncommon to do some kinda gay stuff as a teenager.

no cap fr fr

I don't get why people try and talk like this. It's like larping as someone grandmother. Even if you don't like gays, can't you talk about it in a less autistic way?

sodomy is unnatural and spreads aids and monkeypox

I know, but if you want to convince people of that you need to act and talk in a more normal way. If you act like an elderly woman, it puts off people off. Try and focus on actually convincing people, not acting weird.

Sodomy is natural and spreads aids

regular penis-in-vagina sex also spreads aids, no?

They want to sound like the cool legion from Fallout New Vegas who aren't totally larpers wearing literal scavenged football gear as armor

from bifags who spread it to women

We all know gays reproduce through molestation. Either the kid wasn't really gay before being groomed, or maybe his gay father diddled him off-screen

is it nature or nurture though?

Imo most people aren't stupid enough to believe it works like that. The focus should be on the negative parts of homosexuality (mainly aids) Not on magical thinking. That can only convince idiots.

>all three are alsojewish amercians
>played by jewish american actors
>in '80s Italy

big think

faggots are mentally ill freaks, every single one. they, along with their enablers, should be culled in order for society to thrive

it's a movie you dickhead.

so the means.....the world is automatically gay? Big think.

Says the actual degenerate incel, lol.

they should all be put in the pod when the first symptoms of faggotry are detected

Attached: Sarco Suicide Pod.jpg (976x549, 73.91K)

If one of them wasn't gay then there wouldn't have been a movie

But if you focus on that it would leave gays who don't have aids/aren't a pedo etc alone, might as well just go after std spreaders and pedos at large at that point

I agree
t. Faggot